Radio Paardenkracht (Horsepower)* in the Netherlands was logged on 19 August 2014. Pop music from the Sixties, including The Momas & Papas - "I saw her again"; "Groovy Kind of Love", "Simple Simon Says", Scott MacKenzie - "If You're Going to San Francisco", The Moody Blues - "Ride My See-Saw", Bobbi Gentry - "Son of a Preacher Man", "Green Tambourine and Cream - "Sunshine of Your Love" with male DJ speaking over song with ID, was observed from 22.35 to 23.30 UTC. Reception on 6.305 kHz was (SINPO) 34343 -- fair signal strength with some fading and atmospheric noise, but clear and audible otherwise; reception worsened after 23.15 UTC to 24322, still audible but with less clarity.

*Logged using remote SRD receiver at University of Twente, the Netherlands.
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