QSLs for the month of January 2012.
Radio Free Asia (QSL card) transmitting from Sitkunai, Lithuania
Voice of Mongolia (QSL card) transmitting via Ulaanbaator
Radio Netherlands Worldwide (QSL card) transmitting via Dhabbaya, UAE.
Radio Seagull (eQSL) transmitting via Internet from Harlingen, Netherlands
FEBC (eQSL letter) transmitting from Iba, Zambales, Philippines
Radio Okapi (QSL card) transmitting from Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo
NetRadio Project (eQSL) for "First Edition DX Programme" via Internet
NetRadio Project (eQSL) for "Second Test Transmission" via Internet
NetRadio Project (eQSL) an experimental Internet station
Deutsche Welle (QSL card) transmitting from Ascension Island
Radio Free Asia (QSL card) transmitting from Dushanbe, Tajikistan
Pacific Missionary Aviation-The Cross Radio (eQSL letter) transmitting from Pohnpei, Micronesia
Sultanate Oman Radio (eQSL) transmitting from Thumrait
Radio Myanmar (QSL card) transmitting from Nay PyiTaw
Radio New Zealand (eQSL) transmitting from Ringitaiki
Mongolian National Public Radio Station /VOM (eQSL letter) transmitting from Ulaanbaator
KNLS (QSL card) transmitting from Anchor Point, Alaska
Radio Free Asia (QSL card) transmitting from Ulaan Baator, Mongolia
Radio Free Asia (QSL card) transmitting from Dushanbe, Tajikistan
Voice of America - IBB (eQSL letter) via Selebi-Phikwe, Botswana
WYFR (QSL cards) in Okeechobee, Florida, USA
Voice of America - IBB (QSL card) via Sao Tome Princip
Radio Liechtenstein-Radio L (QSL card promised) transmitting from Triesen, Liechtenstein via the Internet
Voice of Russia (QSL card promised) transmitting from Irkutsk, Russia
Voice of Russia (QSL card promised) transmitting from Novosibirsk-Oyash, Russia
Voice of Russia (QSL card promised) transmitting from Baoji Xinjie, China
The Voice of the Islamic Republic of Iran (QSL card) transmitting from Iran
Monday, January 30, 2012
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Radio Payam-e-Doost (via Kishinev-Grigoriopol)
Reception report was emailed to Radio Payam-e-Doost.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Voice of Russia (via Irkutsk)
Voice of Russia, transmitting via Irkutsk, was logged on 28 January 2012 from 08.00 to 10.00 UTC. An English language programme was heard on 17.805 kHz. Reception (SINPO) was 45444 -- good signal strength with slight fading and some atmospheric noise, otherwise transmission very good. At 09.00 UTC reception was degraded to 43343 due to inference from an adjacent station, a 'ripple-effect' of speech and some fading, which made audio difficult to understand. atmospheric noise, otherwise transmission very good.
Radio Netherlands Worldwide (via Tinang)
Reception report sent by email.
NetRadio Project (First DX Programme)
NetRadio Project was heard on 28 January 2012. Duration of transmission was 5.05 minutes. The station broadcast its first edition of "Saturday DX Programme". It opened with the old Radio Moscow interval signal, synthesised voice of a female announcer presented the station ID, gave an overview of the first DX programme, mentioned special eQSL for NetRadio Project "DX Programme", reported Radio Bulgaria's last transmission on 31 January 2012 and rumor that Radio Romania International will reduce broadcast hours. On "Mailbag" she discussed emails from listeners with DX tips and DX Expedition in India and Bengal, then lastly invited listeners to send reception reports of this DX broadcast to lettermug@gmail.com with reprise of Radio Moscow interval signal.
URL: http://m.soundcloud.com/nrproject/saturday-dx-programme
Reception report was email to NetRadio Project. eQSL arrived on 31 January 2012.
For information about NetRadio Project go to the following link: http://netradioproject.blogspot.com/2012/01/netradio-project-who-are-we.html
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Radio Seagull (Harlingen, Netherlands via the Internet)
Radio Seagull @ 1602 kHz in Harlingen, Netherlands was heard on 22 January 2012 via the Internet. A programme called "UK Blues", hosted by Paul Stiles, was observed from 06.30 to 07.00 UTC (broadcast time 24 hours daily).
A reception report was emailed and subsequently an eQSL sent, simply stating "Report Confirmed!", together with an A3 size tiff file of the ship, Radio Waddenzee.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Radio Liechtenstein - Radio L (via Internet)
Radio Liechtenstein (Radio L) in Triesen, Liechtenstein was logged on 23 January 2012. The station was monitored from 15.00 to 15.30 UTC / 16.00 to 16.30 CET (Daily 24 hours). Programming of English and German pop songs with German language announcements and news was observed.broadcasting via the Internet.
Andreas Batliner, Radio L - Redaktor & Moderator, has promised to send a QSL. I did some promo voice-over recordings for their station after sending a reception report. I think they were fascinated to have a listener from Malaysia who just happened to have a great-grandfather from Liechtenstein...yours truly! QSL letter, along with a Radio L sticker and postage stamp from Liechtenstein, did indeed arrive in the mail on 10 February 2012.
Andreas Batliner, Radio L - Redaktor & Moderator, has promised to send a QSL. I did some promo voice-over recordings for their station after sending a reception report. I think they were fascinated to have a listener from Malaysia who just happened to have a great-grandfather from Liechtenstein...yours truly! QSL letter, along with a Radio L sticker and postage stamp from Liechtenstein, did indeed arrive in the mail on 10 February 2012.
FEBC (via Iba, Zambales, Philippines)
FEBC (Far East Broadcasting Corporation), transmitting from its short-wave facility in Iba, Zambales, Philippines, was heard on 23 August 2011, between the hours of 12.00 to 13.00 UTC. A Khmer language programme on 7.410 kHz was observed with a SINPO of 45333.
Reception report was emailed to FEBC and subsequent follow-up emails sent. On 25 January 2012, I received this email confirming I heard FEBC on "a vintage WWII 100 kW (actual output is 80 kW) Continental 418E Transmitter, from our recently closed site on the island of Saipan." The went on to state that this transmitter was in the process of being replaced.
NetRadio Project "2nd Test Transmission"
NetRadio Project's "2nd Test Transmission" was heard on 25 January 2012 at 18.15 UTC via the Internet.
Reception report was emailed within an hour of receiving this eQSL. Note: The email address and URL is stated on the QSL.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
NetRadio Project (Internet Radio via possibly Haiti)
NetRadio Project, broadcasting on the Internet, was logged on 22 January 2012 (Malaysian time) during its 21 January 2012 "First Test Transmission". Duration of test transmission clip was 1.37 minutes with visual of a bird. Birdsong and chirping under a female voiceover stating repeatedly in English: "This NetRadio Project. You are listening to the first test transmission. Thank you for listening to us. Please write us at lettermug@gmail.com. Send us a reception report. We will send you a QSL card. Keep listening in future."
Next test transmission is 28 February 2012.
Reception report was sent and eQSL arrived within an hour of one another. Over 100 people heard the "test transmission", mostly in Germany, India, Japan, etc. Location remains a mystery, although its SoundCloud link http://soundcloud.com/nrproject lists the location as Haiti.
Radio Fana Broadcasting Corporation (Ethiopia)
Reception report was emailed to Radio Fana.
Please, if anyone from Radio Fana or Ethiopia is reading this blog entry, your QSL card or Letter of Verification would be very much appreciated. YOu may contact me at this blog site.
Please, if anyone from Radio Fana or Ethiopia is reading this blog entry, your QSL card or Letter of Verification would be very much appreciated. YOu may contact me at this blog site.
fanabc@fanabc.com (This email address appears to be defunct.)
Saturday, January 21, 2012
China Radio International (via Issoudun, France)
China Radio International transmitting via Issoudun, France was logged on 20 January 2012 . A Romanian language broadcast was heard from 19.00 to 19.26 UTC, followed by Czech from 19.30 to 19.58 UTC on 7.305 kHz. Reception (SINPO) was 34433 -- fair signal strength, otherwise audible and clear speech.
Reception report was emailed to China Radio International and within 24 hours I received an email acknowledging the report. After resubmitting my reception report in late March, I received this email on 26 March 2012 from Ying Lian, CRI English Service, essentially confirming my report: "We've asked the relevant ones to send QSL cards to you as soon as possible." QSL arrived in the mail on 12 April 2012.
Voice of Russia (via Baoji Xinjie, China)
Voice of Russia broadcasting via Baoji Xinjie, China was logged on 20 January 2012. An English language transmission was observed from 15.30 to 16.00 UTC (broadcast time 15.00 to 16.00 UTC) on 9.660 kHz. Reception (SINPO) was 55555 -- excellent on all accounts.
Reception report was emailed to Voice of Russia. on 23 January 2012, VOR emailed to confirm the report and mention of QSL card en route by mail. QSL arrived in the mail on 16 February 2012.
Radio Bulgaria International
Radio Bulgaria International transmitting from its Plovdiv site was logged on 20 January 2012. A Bulgarian languiage broadcast of news, reports and music was heard from 14.00 to 15.00 UTC on 15.600 kHz. Reception (SINPO) was 25432 -- fair signal strength despite atmosheric noise and slight fading, otherwise clear and audible speech was heard.
Reception report was emailed to Radio Bulgaria International. QSL card arrived in mail on 22 March 2012, confirming reports for 27, 29 and 30 January 2012.
On another note, Radio Bulgaria International will leave the shortwave and medium wave bands at the end of January 2012. This was was revealed in a recent email from Radio Bulgaria, but it will continue to QSL for reports submitted.
Monday, January 16, 2012
WHRI (via Cypress Creek, South Carolina)
WHRI (World Harvest Radio International), transmitting from Cypress Creek, South Carolina, USA, was logged on 16 January 2012. An English language broadcast of evangelical Christian programming, station IDs and station announcements was monitored from 23.15 to 23.45 UTC (broadcast time 23.00 to 01.00 UTC) on 7.385 kHz. Reception (SINPO) at 23.15 UTC was 34433 -- fair signal strength, no interference and only slight atmospheric noise. At 23.25 UTC reception was 22433 -- signal was gradually overwhelmed by China Tibet PBS and heard faintly under it. After 23.45 UTC signal was impossible to clearly hear.
Reception report was submitted online and emailed.
Friday, January 13, 2012
PMA-Cross Radio (Pohnpei, Micronesia)
Pacific Missionary Aviation - The Cross Radio in Pohnpei, Micronesia was logged on 12 January 2012. An English language broadcast of music was monitored from 19.45 to 20.30 UTC. Generally evangelical Christian

Reception report was submitted by email and mail. An eQSL letter with a blank QSL card was emailed to me on 17 January 2012. Hopefully my written report will secure the card depicted in the email.
Pacific Missionary Aviation
Radio Station
P.O. Box 517
Pohnpei, FM 96941
Federated States of Micronesia
China Radio International (via Bamako, Mali)
China Radio International, transmitting via Bamako, Mali was logged on 12 January 2012. An Arabic language broadcast was observed from 18.40 to 19.28 UTC (broadcast time 18.30 to 19.28 UTC) on 11.640 kHz. Reception (SINPO) was 15321 -- carrier signal from transmitter was stronger than their audio feed. This, coupled with atmospheric noise and three to four seconds of fading between audio (such as it was), made reception difficult to clearly hear and comprehend any speech throughout much of the broadcast.
A subsequent reception report was submitted on 5 March 2012 for a broadcast from 18.00 to 18.30 UTC. This yielded better results; instead of just a carrier signal, audio was received clearly enough to hear CRI's ID and their largely talk format
A subsequent reception report was submitted on 5 March 2012 for a broadcast from 18.00 to 18.30 UTC. This yielded better results; instead of just a carrier signal, audio was received clearly enough to hear CRI's ID and their largely talk format
Reception report was emailed to CRI. After submitting a current reception report in late March, I received this email on 26 March 2012 from Ying Lian, CRI English Service, essentially confirming my report: "We've asked the relevant ones to send QSL cards to you as soon as possible." This QSL card arrived in the mail on 12 April 2012.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Mongolian National Public Radio Station (VOM)
Mongolian National Public Radio Station (Voice Of Mongolia) in Ulaan Baator was logged 12 January 2011. A broadcast in Mongolian was observed from 09.30 to 10.00 UTC on 12.085 kHz. Reception (SINPO) was 34323 -- fair signal strength with some background splatter from adjacent stations, atmospheric noise and slight fading, yet clear and audible speech.
Reception report was emailed to VOM. Confirmation was emailed to me on 13 January 2012.
Radio Australia (via Brandon)
Radio Australia, transmitting from Brandon in Queensland was heard on 12 January 2012. Daily broadcast time is 21.00 to 11.00 UTC. A Pidgin English broadcast of news, music and special reports was monitored from 10.00 to 11.00 UTC on 12.080 kHz. Reception (SINPO) before 10.00 UTC was impossible due to strong interference from China National Radio. At 10.00 UTC reception was 35333 -- fair signal strength coupled with atmospheric noise, otherwise clear and discernible speech. At 10.40 UTC reception improved to 45444 -- less atmospheric noise.
Reception report emailed and submitted online to Radio Australia. QSL card arrived on 15 May 2012.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Radio Netherlands Worldwide (via Dhabbaya)
Radio Netherlands Worldwide, transmitting via Dhabbaya, UAE, was logged on 11 January 2011. A Dutch language broadcast of indepth news reports was heard from 13.00 to 13.27 UTC on 15.255 kHz. Reception (SINPO) was 45454 -- good signal strength and quality of reception.
Radio Thailand
Radio Thailand, transmitting from Udon Thani in northern Thailand, was heard on 11 January 2011. An English language programme was monitored from 14.00 to 14.30 UTC on 9.725 kHz. Reception (SINPO): 44334 -- good reception despite slight interference and some fading.
Reception report was emailed to Radio Thailand. QSL card arrived in the mail on 14 February 2012.
KBS World Radio (via Kimjae)
Reception report was emailed to KBS and submitted online:
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Radio Marti -- USA
Reception report emailed and submitted online to Radio Marti.
Radio Bulgaria
Radio Bulgaria in Sofia/Plodiv, Bulgaria was logged on 10 January 2012. A Turkish language broadcast of news and ethnic/folk music was heard from 18.30 to 19.00 UTC on 5.900 kHz. Reception (SINPO) was 35543 -- good signal strength with clarity of speech.
Reception report was emailed to Radio Bulgaria. QSL card arrived in the mail on 22 March 2012, verifying reports for broadcasts on 24 and 31 January 2012. Souvenir book, sticker and another QSL card were included in an opened envelop.
Radio Japan - NHK World (via Yamata and Issoudun)
Radio Japan - NHK World, transmitting presumably from Issoudun, France, was logged on 10 January 2012. A Japanese broadcast was monitored from 09.20 to 10.00 UTC (broadcast time from 09.00 to 10.00 UTC) on 15.290 kHz. Reception (SINPO) was 14221 -- poor signal strength coupled with atmospheric noise and fading, otherwise speech was heard, although more often indiscernible.

Radio Japan - NHK World in Ibaragi-Koga-Yamata was logged on 10 January 2012. English broadcast was heard from 10.00 to 10.30 UTC on 9.625 kHz. Reception (SINPO) was 45444 -- good signal strength on all accounts.

Radio Japan - NHK World in Ibaragi-Koga-Yamata was logged on 10 January 2012. English broadcast was heard from 10.00 to 10.30 UTC on 9.625 kHz. Reception (SINPO) was 45444 -- good signal strength on all accounts.
Reception reports were emailed to Radio Japan. QSL for NHK via Issoudun arrived in the mail on 12 April 2012. Another card for the same transmission arrived on 22 May 2012.
Monday, January 9, 2012
Radio Taiwan International (via Paochung)
Radio Taiwan International transmitting from Paochung was logged on 10 January 2012 from 00.00 to 01.00 and 03.00 to 04.00 UTC. English language broadcast of news, perspectives on Taiwan and music was heard on 15.320 kHz. Reception (SINPO): 55555 -- excellent coverage in all accounts.
Reception reports were emailed and sent online to RTI. Two QSL cards were received on 29 February 2012.
Radio Free Sarawak "Test Transmission" (via Palau)
Reception report was submitted online and emailed to Radio Free Sarawak.
Voice of Russia (via Novosibirsk-Oyash)
Voice of Russia, transmitting from Novosibirsk-Oyash, was logged on 9 January 2012. An English language broadcast featuring the compositions of Japanese conductor/composer Matsu was monitored from 09.30 to 10.00 UTC (broadcast time 09.00 to 10.00 UTC). Transmission was on 21.805 kHz. Reception (SINPO) at 09.30 UTC was 35433 -- good signal strength despite fading, otherwise speech was clear and audible
Reception report was emailed c/o Elena Osipova. A few days later I received an email from her indicating the report had been confirmed. QSL card along with a 2012 pocket calendar arrived on 21 February 2012.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Radio Free Asia (via Sitkunai)
Radio Free Asia, transmitting presumably from Sitkunai, Lithuania, was logged on 9 January 2012. An Uighur language programming of largely news commentary was monitored from 01.45 to 02.00 UTC (broadcast time 01.00 to 02.00 UTC) on 9.480 kHz. Reception (SINPO) was 12231 -- poor signal strength hampered by strong interference from Chinese language station and atmospheric noise. Intermittent fragments of speech at a whispered level was heard, otherwise the broadcast was pretty much negligible. Interestingly, the Chinese station (CNR or CRI) was rated at about 24332, suggesting perhaps its antenna and transmitter was pointed towards Sitkunai.
Although transmissions from Sitkunai are generally too weak to receive under normal conditions in Malaysia, I did detect on this date some audible speech under strong inference from a Chinese language station. In fact, almost all RFA transmissions (regardless of transmitter site) and frequencies in Tibetan, Uighur and Chinese are effectively and deliberately blocked by a Chinese language station. This station acts as a shadow from the exact moment of sign-on to sign-off. Under this condition, speech of announcers during RFA broadcasts are either unheard, faint or fragmented.
Reception report was emailed to RFA. QSL card arrived in the mail on 31 January 2012.
Radio Habana Cuba
Radio Hababa Cuba was logged on 9 January 2012. A Spanish language broadcast of music and discussion was monitored from 04.00 to 04.30 UTC (broadcast time 22.00 to 06.00 UTC) on 15.230 kHz. Reception (SINPO) at 04.00 UTC was 25332 -- fair signal strength with no interference and hampered only by atmospheric noise, otherwise speech audible and clear at times. By 04.30 UTC increased atmospheric noise overwhelmed signal and speech could not be clearly discerned. This was by far the reception to date of RHC.
Reception report was emailed RHC in c/o Rosario Lafita Fernandez. After a fololow-up email, I received this QSL card on 29 January 2013.
Radio Romania International (via Galbeni)
Radio Romania International, transmitting from Galbeni, Romania to western North America, was logged on 9 January 2011. English language programme was monitored from 04.30 to 04.57 UTC (broadcast time 04.00 to 04.57 UTC) on 15.220 kHz. Reception (SINPO) was inaudible at sign-on (04.00 UTC). From 04.30 UTC onwards reception was 25332 -- fair signal strength hampered by atmospheric noise which increased slightly near the end of broadcast, otherwise speech was generally audible and discernible at times.
Reception report was emailed to RRI.
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