Regular followers of South East Asia DXing will have noticed in the past few months I have turned my attention to the medium-wave band. Of particular interest are the many ALL INDIA RADIO (AIR) stations operating across the continent. Is there a reason for listening to these stations? Aside from DXing, AIR medium-wave stations are received surprising well in the Kuala Lumpur area and, best of all, AIR -- or, I should say the veri-signer for AIR, Spectrum Management & Synergy -- will occasionally verify these affiliates. The programming can be entertaining as well. To catch most of these AIR stations in South East Asia one has to wait for broadcasters in China, Thailand, Indonesia and Laos to end their respective transmissions, which can be anytime after 16.00 to 17.00 UTC. Most AIR stations end their transmissions at 17.40 UTC. And, transmitter output power for most of these stations is 100 kW or better. So, time and power is sufficient to at least catch their signals, not just in Asia but the Middle East and possibly Europe. To date -- and the list is growing -- the stations below have been logged.
All India Radio Ranchi (Akashvani Ranchi) in Jharkand was logged on 5 May 2017, from 17.00 till 17.40 UTC. Classical/Devotional music was observed around 17.20 UTC. Reception on 549 kHz (MW) rated a SINPO of 25422 -- weak but audible signal detected, free of co-frequency interference from Thailand station after 17.00 UTC, and when not fading every few minutes.
All India Radio Dibrugarh (Akashvani Dibrugarh) in Assam was logged on

Classical/Devotional music, followed by station ID and closure
announcement in Assamese(?) was heard from 16.30 till 17.00 UTC (10.00
pm till 10.30 pm, IST). Signal was noted the previous day, 12 May 2016,
as well. Contemporary Hindi (?) music was noted, then closure message at
the same time. Reception on the medium-wave frequency of 567 kHz was
(SINPO) 33422 weak to fair with clear audio when not fading (every 3 to
4 minutes), Co-channel QRM from Lao National Radio (LNR) prevented
decent reception of Akashvani Dibrugarh before 16.30 UTC. Although I
hasten to add, Akashvani Dibrugarh was heard as early as 15.00 UTC
mixing with and under LNR.
PATNA, BIHAR - 621 kHz (QSL)
All India Radio Patna in Bihar, monitored on 20 June 2017, from
16.50 till 17.42 UTC with Hindi film music, news/sports/financial reports in English and Hindi. Reception on
621 kHz (MW) rated a SINPO of 34423 -- fair signal strength, with intermittent fading every few minutes, yet audible and clear.
All India Radio Indore (Akashvani Indore) in Madhya Pradesh, was logged on 29 April 2016, on the medium-wave frequency of 648 kHz. From 17.05 till 17.45 UTC (11.35 pm till 12.05 am, India time), classical Indian flute music, followed by news in English was heard. Initially I took the station to be Radio Nepal (in Dharan), but realised when the news was presented the format was consistent with the programming of All India Radio. Reception was (SINPO) 25332 -- poor to weak signal strength, occasionally clear and audible speech, with short periods of fading (every two to three minutes) and static bursts (due to an electrical storm in my region). Subsequent days, reception remained poor to weak using a Degen DE-1102 and Sangean ATS-909 with only the internal ferrite rod antenna.
All India Radio Kolkata (Akashvani Kolkata),
transmitting from South 24 Parganas District, was observed with classical Indian music followed by
commentary from
18.25 till 18.55 UTC. Reception on the medium-wave frequency of
657 kHz rated a (SINPO) of 33433 -- fair signal strength with clear audio when not fading (every 2 to 3 minutes).
PORT BLAIR, ADAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS - 684 kHz (QSL) All India Radio Port Blair (Akashvani Port Blair), Delanipur, Adaman & Nicobar Islands (India) was monitored during the week of 2 through 7 May 2016 on the medium-wave frequency of 684 kHz. Almost without fail, their signal was observed as early as 12.15 UTC and well up until 17.30 UTC (sign-off). While their transmitter consistently radiated a strong signal, one major problem persisted -- China Radio International in Hainan Province. CRI's 600+ kW transmitter operated on the same frequency up until around 17.00 UTC and overpowered Akashvani Port Blair's signal except during periods of fading. After 17.00 UTC, Akashvani Port Blair was strongly received without fading.
SILIGURI, WEST BENGAL - 711 kHz (QSL)All India Radio Siliguri (Akashvani Siliguri) in West Bengal was heard
broadcasting classical Indian music followed by news in English and Hindi was observed from 17.05 till 17.44 UTC, on 4 July 2017. Reception on the medium-wave frequency of 711 kHz was (SINPO) 34323 -- poor to fair signal strength when not fading under atmospheric noise or mixing with a Thai station, every two to four minutes.
All India Radio Jabalpur (Akashvani Jabalpur), Madhya Pradesh was logged on 4 May 2016. Indian music consisting of duets between female and male singers, followed by news in English and Hindi was heard from 17.05 till 17.40 UTC (10.35 pm till 11.10 am, India time). Reception on the medium-wave frequency of 801 kHz was (SINPO) 24432 -- weak to fair signal strength, clear and audible speech for approximately two minutes between fading. Periods of fading lasted every five to six minutes which prevented reception of signal. Reception was not possible before 17.00 UTC due to strong interference from Radio Republik Indonesia Semarang (in central Java). Some minor interference from a station in China was heard when their signal faded under. On previous days, reception was not much better using a Panasonic RF-B45 and Sangean ATS-909, with both relying on only the internal ferrite rod antenna.
All India Radio Ahmedabad (Akashvani Ahmedabad) in Gujarat (India) was logged on 11 May 2016. Indian classical music of a drum ensemble, followed by news in English and Hindi was heard from 17.05 till 17.40 UTC (10.35 pm till 11.10 pm, India Standard Time). Reception on the medium-wave frequency of 846 kHz was (SINPO) 33422 or weak to fair with clear audio when not fading (every 4 to 5 minutes), Co-channel QRM from Taiwan and Thailand stations prevented reception of Akashvani Ahmedabad before 17.00 UTC.
All India Radio Imphal (Akashvani Imphal), transmitting from Mayang Imphal, Manipur, was logged on 17 May 2016. A discussion, old Hindi songs and devotional/classical Indian music was monitored from 15.55 till 17.00 UTC (09.25pm till 10.30 pm, IST). Reception on 882 kHz (MW)(SINPO): 34433 -- fair to good signal strength, clear music content but not speech, fading approximately two to three minutes apart. Frequency seems to be free of co-frequency interference, at least during time of log and this quarter of the world.
All India Radio Cuddapah (Akashvani Cuddapah), transmitting from the southeastern state of Andhra Pradesh (India), was logged on 29 November 2015. A selection of Hindi songs, moderated by male announcer, was observed from 16.25 till 17.00 UTC. Reception on the medium-wave frequency of 900 kHz was (SINPO) 34433 -- fair signal strength, clear audio, signal faded every four to five minutes.
All India Radio Visakhapatnam (Akashvani Visakhapatnam) in Andhra Pradesh was heard on 15 April 2016. Popular music and news was monitored from 17.00 till 17.43 UTC (10.30 pm till 11.13 pm, Visakhapatnam time). Overall reception on the medium-wave frequency of 927 kHz was (SINPO) 33423. Before 17.00 UTC, signal was difficult to receive due co-frequency mixing with a station in Chanthaburi, Thailand. When this Thai station closed, AIR Visakhapatnam transmission was weak to fair depending on the duration of fading (from 8 to 10 minutes). When signal was at its peak, audio was clear.
All India Radio Tiruchirappalli in Manapparai, Tiruchirappalli District, Tamil Nadu (India) with Tamil music, moderated by male announcer, was observed from 17.00 UTC onward. News in English at 17.30 UTC presented by female announcer, then sign-off at 17.35 UTC. Reception on 936 kHz (MW) rated a SINPO of 34433 with fair to good signal, occasionally fading every few minutes.
All India Radio Najibabad (Akashvani Najibabad) in Bijnor District, Uttar Pradesh (India) was heard on 4 January 2017, between 17.15 till 17.40 UTC. Classical/devotional Indian music, followed by news in English and Hindi, then station ID just before sign-off was observed. Overall reception on the medium-wave frequency of 954 kHz rated a (SINPO) of 33423 -- fair signal, clear audio when not fading (every 3 minutes) and interference from Sathaanii Witthayu Krajaisiang Thahaan Aakaat (Thai Air Force Radio Station) in Phitsanulok Province.
All India Radio Cuttack (Akashvani Cuttack) in Odisha was logged on 15 April 2016. Radio drama, devotional/traditional music and news was monitored from 16.35 till 17.35 UTC (10.05 pm till 11.05 pm, Cuttack time). Reception on medium-wave frequency of 972 kHz was (SINPO) 33423 -- weak to fair signal, depending on duration of fading (which lasted from 8 to 10 minutes). A droning noise, possibly from transmitter, or heterodyning from a co-frequency station was observed. Before 17.00 UTC, signal mixed with Thai and Indonesian stations. When signal was at its peak, audio was clear.
All India Radio Rajkot (Akashvani Rajkot) in Gujarat was logged on 16 April 2016, here in the Kuala Lumpur area. A selection of classical/devotional music and old Hindi duets were observed from 18.05 till 19.15 UTC (11.35pm till 12.45am, Rajkot time). Overall reception on the medium-wave frequency of 1071 kHz was (SINPO) 23322. Signal strength was weak but audible. QRM from unidentified co-frequency station was present when signal faded under for duration of approximately 2 to 3 minutes.
All India Radio Chinsurah (Akashvani Chinsurah)
in West Bengal was logged on 30 May 2016. A selection of contemporary
Myanmar songs, hosted by a male announcer speaking in Burmese, followed
by station ID and closure announcement was monitored from 12.45 to 13.15 UTC (07.15 to 08.45 IST). Reception on the medium-wave frequency of 1134 kHz
was (SINPO) 24221 -- weak signal but audible when not fading under
static bursts from a local electrical storm. Fading lasted three to four
minutes before audio peaked. Reception would quite possibly have been
better had transmission occurred under grey-line.
All India Radio Varanasi (Akashvani Varanasi), transmitting on the medium-wave frequency of 1242 kHz from Sarnath, Uttar Pradesh (India), was received on 1 September 2016. Presumably Indian classical music, a rather lengthy flute piece, moderated occasionally by a male announcer, was observed from 17.10 till 17.30 UTC / 10.40 till 11.00 IST. Transmission closed at 17.40 UTC. Reception rated a SINPO of 23322 -- fair to weak signal with audible content when not mixing with Radio Sultanate of Oman and fading every three to four minutes under static bursts from a local thunderstorm. Prior to 17.00 UTC/10.30 IST, Akashvani Varanasi was not received due to strong co-frequency interference from Radio Republik Indonesia Bogor (Java), stations in Thailand and Vietnam, and to a lesser extent Nippon Hoso-JOLF (Tokyo) after 17.00 UTC/10.30 IST. On previous and subsequent days, owing to poor propagation, Akashvani Varanasi just barely broke through the threshold, and only then at a whispered level. This was a tough one to catch!
All India Radio Nagpur, transmitting from Buti Bori (Nagpur) in Maharashtra, was logged in 6 July 2016, from 17.35 till 18.15 UTC. News in Hindi, followed by a selection of English language pop songs was heard during this period. Reception on the medium-wave frequency of 1566 kHz was (SINPO) 45533 -- fair to good signal strength and clear audio depending on duration of fading (which on average was approximately two minutes apart). AIR Nagpur has been monitored over the past month and based on these observations no signal has been detected before 17.00 UTC. In addition, reception seems to improve after 18.30 UTC and up until around 19.00 UTC.
Receivers used: primarily Sangean ATS-909, followed by Panasonic RF-B45 and Tecsun S-2000. Antenna: usually the internal ferrite rod aerial, and occasionally a MW loop antenna. All receivers were rotated to the direction where signal was strongest.