DK1NO (Hannes) in Sigmaringen, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany was logged on 4 May 2013. Several HAMs were observed conversing with DK1NO, either in English or German, from 19.52 to 20.40 UTC. Reception on 14.160 kHz USB was (SINPO) 35333 -- good signal strength with exceptional clarity and discernible speech, despite atmospheric noise. Other amateur operators were heard, but were generally much weaker and barely audible.
To hear the quality of reception of this 500 watt radio station in southern Germany click HERE. The receiver used was a Tecsun S-2000 (Grundig Satellite 750) linked to 1/4 wave antenna elevated at a height of approximately 13 meters.

A reception report with SAE was posted on 8 May 2013, using the QRZ address for Hannes. A follow-up reception report was mailed on 15 August 2013. If anyone knows Hannes and is reading this blog entry, please pass this blog link along to him. I would very much like to receive his QSL.
Finally on 22 May 2014 I received a paper QSL from him, much to my surprise and delight. Ich bin glücklich, Ihre QSL haben. Vielen dank, Hannes!
Finally on 22 May 2014 I received a paper QSL from him, much to my surprise and delight. Ich bin glücklich, Ihre QSL haben. Vielen dank, Hannes!
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