On two separate days, between 22.45 till 00.00 UTC, more than a dozen countries were logged on the 75, 31 and 25 metre bands. Of these frequencies, 31 metres offered the best reception and variety. China and North Korea were the dominant countries broadcasting on all short-wave bands. And, in a surprising twist reflective of the season, many stations from the Americas were present, most notably Radio Habana Cuba and WRMI. Brazilian stations, Radio Amazonia and Radio Aparecida, even managed to float in a few hours before 22.00 UTC. Many more stations, including Radio Taiwan International and KBS World, were observed as well. Tune in and give a listen in your quarter of the world. Reception might be better. Happy DXing from Malaysia!
BBC // 9.915 kHz and 9.740 kHz // 44344 // 23.20 UTC with discussion about mangoes in Indian politics
PBS Hulun Buir // 3.900 kHz // 24332 // 23.00 UTC with talk in Chinese
PBS Xinjiang // 3.990 kHz // 34443 // 22.55 UTC with Uigher instrumental music, then ID at 23.00 UTC
Radio Habana Cuba // 11.760 kHz and 11.840 kHz // 34443 // 23.35 UTC with commentary and snippets of music in Spanìsh
KCBS Pyongyang // 3.220 kHz // 24211 // 23.00 UTC with talk in Korean
Helliniki Radiophonia // 9.935 kHz // 34433 // 23.15 UTC with discussion in Greek and occasional music
All India Radio // 9.690 kHz (Bangalor) and 9.705 kHz (Panaji) // 54555 // 23.50 with Indian music from Bollywood films
Voice of Islamic Republic of Iran via Kalamabad // 9.490 kHz // 34443 // 23.22 UTC with national anthem, station ID in Indonesian, followed Quran recitation
Radio Nikkei 1 // 3.925 kHz // 34343 // 11.50 UTC talk in Japanese
Radio Nikkei 2 // 3.945 kHz // 34343 // Station ID in English and Japanese at 12.00 UTC followed by Funk and R&B music
Radio Nikkei 1 // 9.595 kHz // 44444 // 23.30 UTC Japanèse pop music in Japanese
Radio Japan // 11.910 kHz // 55555 // 23.40 UTC with entertaining discussion in Japanese
Wai FM // 11.665 kHz // 55555 // 23.30 UTC with Malaysian pop tunes in Malay
Medi 1 // 9.575 kHz // 23442 // 23.15 UTC with music
Radio New Zealand International // 3.990 kHz // 12431 // 22.59 UTC with Bellbird interval under Chinese broadcaster
FEBC // 9.795 kHz // 54555 // 23.30 UTC with talking in Vietnamese
BBC // 3.915 kHz // 55555 // 22.50 UTC in English with news
BBC // 9.740 kHz // 34343 // 23.20 UTC with discussion about mangoes in Indian politics
Voice of Vietnam // 9.635 kHz // 44434 // 23.40 UTC with current event reports about Vietnam in Vietnamese
Voice of Vietnam // 9.840 kHz // 44444 // 23.45 UTC with feature of agricultural development in Vietnam in English
Voice of Vietnam // 12.020 // 55555 // 23.45 UTC with feature on "Words of Goodness" programme in English
WRMI // 9.955 kHz // 24322 // 23.00 UTC with discussion in English which was still audible well past 23.50 UTC
Global 24 via WRMI (?) // 9.395 kHz // 14421 -- carrier signal only at 22.30 UTC
Radio Marti // 9.565 kHz // 23432 // 23.15 UTC with news reports about Cuba in Spanish
WTWW // 12.105 kHz //23432 // 23.45 UTC with religious programming in English
Receiver used: Tecsun S-2000. External antenna used: 1/4 wave aerial elevated at 13 meters above ground. Location: West central Malaysia