Radio Rwanda in Kigali was heard on 27 August 2012. A French language broadcast consisting of African pop tunes and moderated by a male announcer was monitored from 20.00 to 20.40 UTC. Transmission occurred on the frequency of 6.055 kHz, Reception (SINPO) was 34333 -- fair signal strength with slight interference and fading, otherwise clear and audible speech and music was noted.

Reception report was submitted on the following day. I have made numerous attempts by email and post since 2011 to secure a QSL, but have been unable to receive this prized verification in any shape or form, be it card, eQSL or letter. Hopefully fortune will favour me this time around. Thanks a lot we will send you a card soon.
On 3 September 2012, Ms. Faith Mbabazi of Radio Rwanda replied with the following message, indirectly confirming my reception report: "Thanks a lot we will send you a card soon. (Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone powered by MTN)."
On 3 September 2012, Ms. Faith Mbabazi of Radio Rwanda replied with the following message, indirectly confirming my reception report: "Thanks a lot we will send you a card soon. (Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone powered by MTN)."
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