Thursday, March 31, 2016

QSLs for March 2016

Radio Slovakia International via WRMI (QSL card) transmitting from Okeechobee, Florida, USA

Voice of Turkey (QSL Card) transmitting from Emirler, Turkey

Radio Tele Candip (QSL) transmitting from Bunia, Eastern Province, Democratic Republic of Congo

All India Radio Cuddapah (QSL Card) transmitting on MW from the southeastern state of Andhra Pradesh (India)

Radio Nova* via Channel 292  (QSL email) in Rohrbach, Germany

 PTHP* via Channel 292 (QSL email) n Rohrbach, Germany

Skyline Radio Germany* (eQSL) via Channel 292 in Rohrbach, Germany

NHK World - Radio Japan via Thammasat University (QSL Card) transmitting from their on-campus MW transmitter in Bangkok, Thailand

Trans World Radio Europe* (eQSL) transmitting from Central Asia (presumably Armenia)

Radio New Ireland* via Channel 292 (QSL Card) in Rohrbach, Germany

Italian broadcasting Corporation (QSL Card) logged on 12 Feb 2016

Italian broadcasting Corporation* (QSL Card) logged on 29 Jan 2016

Adventist World Radio-KSDA (QSL Card) transmitting from Agat, Guam

 Radio Payam - Islamic Republic International Broadcasting (QSL) transmitting on MW from Tehran, Iran

 *Transmission was received using SDR web-receiver in The Netherlands (Twente)

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Voice of Indonesia (Stimme Indonesiens)

Voice of Indonesia (Stimme Indonesiens), the German language broadcast of VOI (Jakarta), was received on 30 March 2016. Programmes from 18.00 till 19.00 UTC included frequent station IDs  between "Nachrichten", "Kommentar" on Papua, "Dieser Tag in der Geschichte", "Grüne Technologie" in Indonesia, "Wunderschoenes Indonesien" segment on Bali, "Sprechen wir Indonesisch" and "Indonesische Musik" featured songs performed by Hetty Koes Endang. Interestingly, an all female staff of announcers, speaking in Indonesian accented German, presented the programmes. What a delight! Not only was the programming informative and entertaining, it demonstrated VOI's commitment and genuine  interest in their German listeners. Kudos to VOI!!!  

Reception on 9.525 kHz was (SINPO) 55555 -- excellent reception for much of the broadcast! However, at 18.58 UTC, QRM from China Radio International degraded reception to 53553. HERE is an audio recording made around 18.25 UTC (Wonders of Indonesia) to give an idea of the quality of reception.

Reception report was submitted in German and English, both online and email, 31 March 2016. A computer generated emailed responded promptly to my online reception report. QSL card arrived on 15 July 2016.



Radio Romania International

Radio Romania International was logged on 30 March 2016. An English language broadcast of programmes on Romanian current events, culture and language was monitored from 17.40 till 17.58 UTC (broadcast time 17.30 till 17.58 UTC) on the short-wave frequency of  9.540 kHz.

A relatively good signal with minor and occasional fading reached Malaysia at the time of broadcast, rating an overall SINPO of 44544. HERE is an audio recording of RRI at the time of sign-off, which pretty much exemplifies the level of transmission quality during much of their broadcast.

Reception report was emailed to RRI the following day, 31 March 2016. QSL card with programme schedule in a postage marked envelope arrived in the mail on 31 May 2016.


Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Madagascar World Voice

Madagascar World Voice, an affiliate station of World Christian Broadcasting, was logged on 29 March 2016. A Russian language broadcast to East Russia on 9.570 kHz at 18.00 till 19.00 UTC and an Arabic language broadcast to Iran on 11.945 kHz at 19.00 till 20.00 UTC was observed. A mix of religious programming and pop music was heard, under fair to excellent reception here in the Kuala Lumpur area.

Reception on 9.570 kHz was (SINPO) 54544 -- a strong signal initially with slight fading. Transmission improved with greater strength after 18.30 UTC. Reception on 11.945 kHz was (SINPO) 34434 -- fair to good audio varied whenever signal faded. This remained constant throughout the half hour this transmission was monitored. Reception on 17.640 kHz was observed at 18.00 UTC, but at much weaker strength.

HERE is how MWV sounded in Malaysia on 9.570 kHz at sign-on. Interestingly their interval tune is the same as KNLS, their sister station in Alaska.

Reception reports were emailed on 29 March 2016 to World Christian Broadcasting. Hopefully their QSL(s) will reach my postal address; in years past this has always been a problem with their sister station, KNLS. An attempt to submit the reports at WCB's online contact page failed to function. Interestingly, I received only their verification for 11.945 kHz. This was received on 14 April 2016.



Madagascar World Voice Schedule

Madagascar World Voice, an affiliate station of World Christian Broadcasting, is now operating from Madagascar. Transmissions commenced on 27 March 2016 and currently broadcast 13 hours daily to the Middle East in Arabic, to Africa with English for Africa programs and in Spanish to South America. Transmissions are beamed to Russia, China and the Pacific Rim as well.

  26 March 2016 Onward
Freq. (kHz)     Start (UTC)     End (UTC)          Language        Target 
9.600                 00.00              01.00                 English           India
9.665                 01.00              02.00                 English           India
6.190                 02.00              03.00                 Spanish          South America
6.150                 03.00              04.00                 Spanish          North & South America
9.480                 04.00              05.00                 English           Africa
9.570                 18.00              19.00                 Russian          East Russia
17.640               18.00              19.00                 English           Africa
11.945               19.00              20.00                 Arabic            Iran
13.710               20.00              21.00                 Arabic            Egypt
11.615               21.00              22.00                 Chinese          Europe
9.455                 22.00              23.00                 Chinese          Southern China
11.770               22.00              23.00                 Arabic            North Africa/Egypt
9.535                 23.00              00.00                 Chinese          Southern China

UPDATE!!! Since publishing this information it has come to my attention that African Pathways Radio is the short-wave operator on 9.480 kHz and 17.640 kHz for MWV in Madagascar.  See frequencies, times and target in map below.

MWV via African Pathways Radio frequencies, times and targets

Website of African Pathways Radio is

Saturday, March 26, 2016

All India Radio Jeypore

All India Radio Jeypore in Odisha  (India) was logged on 26 March 2016. A Q&A phone-in programme featuring listeners, AIR promo and advertisements were observed from 17.35 till 18.02 UTC. Reception on 5.040 kHz was fair with moderate noise, yet clear and audible with SINPO of 34433.

HERE's a excerpt from the Q&A programme heard during this transmission.

Reception report with audio files was emailed the following day. Report was posted two days later. This marks the second time I have contacted AIR Jeypore. QSL card arrived in tge mail on 4 May 2016.

Marconi Radio International*

Marconi Radio International* in Italy was received on 26 March 2016. Music, DX news and station intervals were heard from 17.10 till 17.30 UTC. Reception on 7.690 kHz in USB mode was (SINPO) 24332 -- weak signal strength, but audible and clear.

Reception report with an audio file was emailed on the same day. The above eQSL, together with synopsis  of the station and future plans, was received on 254 April 2016. 


*Transmission was received using SDR web-receiver in The Netherlands (Twente)

Radio Batavia* (via Channel 292)

Radio Batavia*, transmitting from Channel 292 in Rohrbach (Germany), was received on 18 March 2016, from 16.40 to 17.00 UTC, under good conditions on the shortwave frequency of 6.070 kHz. Reception was initially (SINPO) 45554 up until 16.59 when CRI began operation on the same frequency, at which point quality of reception was degraded to 22552.

Station IDs "Radio Batavia on 6.070...mountain studio...pirates for peace" with pop music, including Cat Stevens - "Morning Has Broken", Phil Collins - "Look At Me Now"; Eric Clapton - "After Midnight" and Cheap Trick was noted before CRI transmission commenced.

Reception report was emailed shortly afterwards on the same day. An eQSL was received on 24 March 2016.


*Transmission was received using SDR web-receiver in The Netherlands (Twente)

Voice of Hope ( Zambia)

Voice of Hope, in a test transmission from Lusaka (Zambia), was received on 25 March 2016 and monitored from 19.56 till 21.00 UTC. A selection of contemporary Christian music with station IDs and request for reception reports every 10 minutes was observed on the short-wave frequency of 4.965 kHz. Reception (SINPO) was initially 24332 -- weak, but audible under atmospheric noise. Around 21.00 UTC, signal strengthened, improving clarity of  speech/music.

Reach: Congo, Cameroon, Nigeria, Gabon, Ghana, Liberia, Senegal, Mauritania, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, Chad, Mauritania, Algeria, Libya, Morocco, Western Sahara, Equatorial Guinea
Potential Audience: Over 300 million listeners
Power: 50,000 watts
Frequency: 4.965 kHz (and 6.065 kHz)
Transmitter: Shortwave (Continental)
Transmission Facility: Lusaka, Zambia
Antenna: TCI Super Log Periodic – Long Range - 210° degrees central beam

Reception report with audio files was emailed on the following day. QSL card arrived in the mail on 26 March 2016.



Friday, March 25, 2016

HFCC A16 Schedule

 For information on the A16 schedule, please refer to the HFCC website. As most radio enthusiasts know this schedule goes into effect on 
27 March 2016.

Random Log on 19 Metres

Stations logged using a Tecsun S-2000  linked to 1/4 wave aerial
On 24 March 2016 from 16.00 till 17.00 UTC many transmissions emanating from Africa, Europe, Middle East, South Asia and USA wete observed on the 19 metre band, here in west central Malasia. The Voice of America relayed their programmes across the band from Botswana, Sao Tome and England. Deutsche Welle programming originated from Sri Lanka and UAE. Several international broadcasters relayed their broadcasts from sites outside their country of origin. Radio Cairo continued to send out their over-modulated and indecipherable programming. Surprisingly, WWCR out of Nashville was noted near the end of 19 metre band. And Sound of Hope, the clandestine broadcaster in Taiwan, was heard at both ends of the band. While these stations remain current at this time of logging, much may change on 27 March 2016 when the A16 schedule goes into effect. Until then, tune in and listen to the voices of the world on the 19 metre band. Happy DXing!

Voice of America via Selebi-Phikwe // 15.580 kHz // SINPO 24432 // 16. 25 UTC  Talking and music in English, then sign-off at 16.30 UTC

Radio Cairo via Abis // 15.345 kHz // SINPO 23432 weak and terribly over-modulated beyond recognition // 16.10 UTC onward in presumably English

Voice of America via Woofferton // 15.620 kHz // SINPO 34443 // 16. 30 UTC  with news in Somali
Athmeeya Yatra Radio (GFA) via Nauen  // 15.150 kHz // SINPO  54545 // 16:15 UTC onward in Dari or Pashto

All India Radio via Delhi (Khampur) // 15.140 kHz // SINPO 23442 Radio Sultanate of Oman mixing on co-channel // 16.25 UTC onward with discussion in Russian programming and Hindi music

BBC via Talata-Volondry // 15.790 kHz // SINPO 34443 // 16.30 UTC onward with news in Kinyarwanda/Kirundi
China Radio International via Bamako // 15.125 kHz // SINPO 24442 dominant carrier with audio under // 16.25 UTC with commentary in Arabic

Radio Sultanate of Oman
// 15.140 kHz // SINPO 23442 AIR mixing on co-channel // 16.25 UTC onward with discussion in Arabic

Voice Of America via Pinheira // 15.460 kHz // SINPO 54445 // 16:00-16:30 UTC with news reports in Kirundi

BBC via Meyerton // 15.420 kHz // SINPO 45443 // 16.10 UTC onward with news in English

Adventist World Radio via Trincomalee // 15.360 kHz // SINPO 54454 // 16.10 UTC onward with Evangelical Christian programming in Urdu
Deutsche Welle via Trincomalee // 15.275 kHz // SINPO 54454 // 16.20 UTC onward with news magazine in Amharic

Transworld Radio via Manzini // 15.105 kHz // SINPO 34433 // 16.15 UTC till 16.30 UTC with religious programming in Kirundi

Vatican Radio via Santa Maria di Galeria
// !5.595 kHz // SINPO 34443 // 16:30 till 16.58 with  religious reports on Easter and a few hymns in Arabic

Deutsche Welle via Dhabbaya
// 15.190 kHz // SINPO 44444 // 16.20 UTC onward with news magazine in Amharic

WWCR1 via Nashville
// 15.820 kHz // SINPO 24432 // 16.30 UTC onward with Evangelical Christian programming in English 

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Radio Tirana

Radio Tirana, in a French language broadcast from Shijak (Albania) was received on 24 March 2016, from 18.40 till 19.00 UTC (broadcast time 18.30 till 19.30 UTC). News and comment, along with at least one Albanian song, was observed during this half hour broadcast, followed by station interval and Italian language programme.

Radio Tirana's signature interval  tune at 18.57 UTC may be heard HERE.

Reception on 7.465 kHz was (SINPO) 24332 -- weak to fair signal with fading under atmospheric noise, otherwise clear and audible; reception worsened after 18.55 UTC and signal was much weaker with longer periods of fading, but still audible.

Reception report was emailed the following day. QSL card arrived in the mail on 21 April 2016.


Vatican Radio

Vatican Radio, in an Arabic language broadcast from Santa Maria di Galeria, was heard on 24 March 2016. VR interval signal was noted just before sign-on, followed by ID "Laudetur Jesus Christus" in Latin, then Arabic. Religious related reports, presumably about Easter or redemption was observed, insomuch as the word "Rahmat" or God's mercy was mentioned. Two hymns were heard within these reports, which were presented by both male and female announcers between 16.29 till 16.58  UTC. Reception on 15.595 kHz was (SINPO) 34443 -- fair signal strength with minimal disturbance until about 16.50 UTC. At this point, signal weakened with significant fading to 24322.

Reception report was emailed to Vatican Radio on the following day. QSL card arrived in the mail on 4 May 2016.


Wednesday, March 23, 2016

QSL in the Mailbox: Radio Slovakia International

 Although Radio Slovakia International can no longer be heard on short-wave from Bratislava, it is great to know the station is alive and well. Equally important, it's nice that RSI can be heard  on the Internet, Radio 700 and  WRMI, as the case was for this verification. Thank you, Radio Slovakia International!

 QSL from RSI via Bratislava, 2007

Radio Payam - IRIB

Radio Payam - IRIB, transmitting from their 300 kW site in Tehran (Iran), was logged on 18 March 2016, from 19.00 till 19.35 UTC. A selection of mostly Iranian music, moderated by a male announcer speaking Farsi, was observed. Reception on the medium-wave frequency of 1188 kHz was (SINPO) 25321 - poor to weak signal, faint audio when not fading under atmospheric noise. Receiver used was a Sangean ATS-909 with MW loop antenna.

Reception report along with an audio file was emailed on the following day, 19 March 2016. Four days later Arezou Radd for IRIB English Radio emailed, saying: "Springy and warm greetings from IRIB English Radio. In confirmation of your reception report, I will send you a QSL card and a certificate donated by IRIB English Radio..." QSL card from IRIB received on 16 August 2016, after a follow-up email.

Monday, March 21, 2016

QSL in the Mailbox: Voice of Turkey

Very few QSLs have arrived in the mail this month. This seems par for the course these days. So many reception reports have been sent -- AIR Jeypore, Radio Ukraine International, Radio Slovakia International, Radio Romania International, Voice of Korea, Voice of Indonesia, National Radio of Kampuchea, Thammasat University Radio, Rádio Voz Missionária to name just a few -- yet nothing in the mailbox from these stations. So, quite naturally I was buoyed with new hope when this QSL and bookmark from the Voice of Turkey came today. Surprisingly, this February QSL from Voice of Turkey reached me before the January one, which to date I have also not received. Oh well, back to the radio dial for more DXing!

Friday, March 18, 2016

This Weekend on Shortwave: Radio Six International

Radio Six International, a private (not for profit) radio station operating from Scotland, will be on shortwave this on Saturday, 19th March from 12:00 to 17:00 UTC. As well as the usual programmes, there will be a special two-hour live edition of Saturday Sounds hosted by Tony Currie and including live emails and messages. Listen online as usual or tune in to 6.070 kHz (49.39m) from a transmitter (Channel 292) near Munich in Germany.

Radio Six International encourages listeners -- especially those listening by shortwave -- to send  their reception reports.  A QSL card will be issued with the inclusion of  either one Euro, two US Dollars or an International Reply Coupon to cover return postage, together with the report and listener's name and return address to: 21 Sherbrooke Avenue, Glasgow G41 4HF, Scotland. Email: Website:

Radio Six International*, broadcasting from Channel 292, was received on 19 March 2016, from 14.50 till 15.50 UTC. DJ Tony Currie played an eclectic mix of oldies, contemporary jazz, pop and rock, including the Mona Lisa Twins - "DayTripper", Cilla Black - "Alfie",  and André Brasseur - "Mad Train", Jethro Tull - "The Witch's Promise", Glen Campbell - "Wichita Lineman", Nancy Sinatra and Lee Hazelwood - "Some Velvet Morning", Moonshoes - "Boogie Land" and more.

Reception on 6.070 kHz was (SINPO) 55545 -- excellent signal strength, audio quality, with slight and occasional fading, no QRN and no QRM.

HERE's an idea of how Radio Six International sounded.

Reverse side of eQSL from Radio Six International
Reception report was emailed shortly after the broadcast, then a letter was posted later in the week.This eQSL along with a programme schedule arrived on 22 March 2016. Paper QSL and newsletter arrived in the mail on 11 April 2016. Thank you, Tony!!!

*Transmission was received using SDR web-receiver in The Netherlands (Twente)

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

All India Radio QSL for MW Station

Finally! After many years and many attempts to QSL a MW station in India, Spectrum Managament came through with this verification: All India Radio Cuddapah (Akashvani Cuddapah), which operates from the southeastern state of Andhra Pradesh (India). Thank you very much!!!

Monday, March 14, 2016

Radio Nova* (via Channel 292)

Radio Nova*, broadcasting from Channel 292, was monitored on 14 March 2016, from 07.05 till 08.05 UTC. A selection of mostly dance and ambient music from the 70s, 80s, 90s and beyond, Tears for Fears, ABC, Daft Punk, Men At Work, was heard during their broadcast.

Reception on 6.070 kHz was (SINPO) 55545 - excellent signal strength and good audio quality despite occasional fading.

Reception report was emailed to Radio Nova and Channel 292 on the same day. An eLetter of verification arrived on 15 March 2016.

*Transmission was received using SDR web-receiver in The Netherlands (Twente)

Sunday, March 13, 2016

PTHP Radio* (via Channel 292)

Self-made QSL based on email
PTHP Radio*, broadcasting from Channel 292 in Rohrbach (Germany), was monitored  on 13 March 2016, from 14.15 till 15.00 UTC. A selection of jazz, rock-n-roll and country & western tunes from the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s was heard during the broadcast. And what a marvelous collection of dixieland, blues, scat and swing jazz it was too! It was like listening to the 78 rpm records of my  grandfather's (who was a jazz musician in the late 1920s) and hearing  Louis Armstrong, Ella  Fitzgerald and the like, once again, many years ago. Wonderful, wonderful show!!!

Reception on 6.070 kHz was (SINPO) -- 45544 -- a relatively good signal and clear audio, despite occasional and minor fading.

Reception report was emailed to Channel 292 the following day. On 14 March 2016, Peter Haynes  for PTHP confirmed the content of the broadcast heard on Channel 292.

*Transmission was received using SDR web-receiver in The Netherlands (Twente) 

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Skyline Radio Germany* (via Channel 292)

Skyline Radio Germany*, broadcasting from Channel 292 in  Rohrbach (Germany), was monitored  on 12 March 2016, from 17.10 till 18.05 UTC. A selection of heavy metal rock from much of the Seventies and Eighties was heard. DJ chatted in German  between songs mentioning he was "old school" and his selection of tracks were played on a  "plattenspieler" (turntable).

Reception on 6.070 kHz was (SINPO) 43433 -- good signal strength and audio quality despite prominent QRM from China Radio International and minor fading.

Reception report was emailed the following day, 13 March,  to both SRG and Channel 292. A computer generated message from SRG promised QSL if reception report was correct. This eQSL arrived on 15 March 2016.


Postal address:
S.R.G. - Skyline Radio Germany
P. O. Box 2702
NL- 6049 ZG Herten,
The Netherlands

 *Transmission was received using SDR web-receiver in The Netherlands (Twente) 

Friday, March 11, 2016

This Weekend on Channel 292

Lots of new stations on Channel 292...Lots of new QSLs!
 Tune to 6.070 kHz

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Mennonite Radio* (via Channel 292)

Mennonite Radio*, broadcasting  via Channel 292 in Rohrbach (Germany), was logged on 6 March 2015. Station ID "Mennonite Radio", followed by a commentary on religious discrimination in various denominations who fail to curb racial and religious bigotry and hatred was monitored from 16.00 till 16.15 UTC (broadcast time 16.00 till 16.30 UTC). Reception on 6.070 kHz was (SINPO) 45444 -- fair, stable and audible signal.

Reception report was emailed to Mennonite Radio on the following day.



Postal address:
Mennonite Radio,
c/o Joy Mennonite Church,
504 NE 16th St,
Oklahoma City, OK 73104 USA

*Transmission was received using SDR web-receiver in The Netherlands (Twente) 

Monday, March 7, 2016

QSL from Radio Japan (via Thammasat University Radio)

A QSL card from NHK World - Radio Japan arrived in the mail today. Ordinarily this is not a big deal. What makes this QSL so special is the transmitter site. It originated from Thammasat University Radio

Thammasat University in Rangsit, Pathumthani (outside Bangkok) relays Radio Japan's Thai programming. Their on-campus station operates on the MW frequency of 981 kHz, using a 10 kilowatt HARRIS generation DX10 transmitter. Their signal is received reasonably well throughout much of peninsular Malaysia and neighbouring countries.

Here's another interesting aspect of this QSL card. Unfortunately, and oddly, it contains no detailed account (i.e. date, time, frequency, transmitter location), nor official Radio Japan verification stamp.  I am mystified as to why a general confirmation was issued. I am doubtful Thammasat University Radio will follow up with their verification; domestic Thai stations routinely fail to verify reception reports. So, I am feeling a tad bit disappointed about this 'incomplete' QSL from Radio Japan. I have since followed up and requested a proper one from them.

Thammasat University Radio and Staff

Voice of Turkey

The Voice of Turkey, transmitting from Emirler, was received on 7 March 2016. An English language broadcast of Turkish news and commentary on the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), along with cultural programmes on Turkish history and Turkish pop music, was observed from 17.30 till 18.25 UTC.

Reception on 11.730 kHz was (SINPO) 54545 -- strong and clear transmission, despite slight fading and minor QRM from a weaker station after 18.00 UTC.

Reception report was emailed to the Voice f Turkey the following day, 8 March 2016. QSL card, coaster and pocket calendars arrived in the mail on 6 April 2016.
