Wednesday, September 30, 2015

All India Radio - Lucknow

All India Radio, transmitting from Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh (India), was logged on 30 September 2015. Product advertisements, the occasional Hindi song, news, radio drama and listener phone-in was observed from 12.55 till 13.40 UTC (broadcast time 12.15 till 17.40 UTC). Reception on 4.880 kHz at 12.55 UTC was (SINPO) 35433 - fair signal strength, audible and clear speech, despite slight atmospheric noise and fading. Transmitter closed abruptly at 13.22 UTC; transmission resumed at 13.27 UTC. At 13.37 UTC, there was increased QRM and QRN from transmitter droning and atmospheric noise, which degraded reception to 12221; at this point there was no discernible audio.

Reception report was emailed to Spectrum Management the following day. A few days later I posted the reception report as well. It was submitted without an audio file, so we'll see how it goes. On 11 November 2015 the above QSL card arrived in the mail.

QSLs for September 2015

All India Radio (QSL Card) transmitting from Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

All India Radio (QSL Card) transmitting from Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Marconi Radio International* (eQSL) transmitting from Italy

Radio New Zealand International (QSL Card) transmitting from Rangitaiki, New Zealand

Voice of Turkey  (QSL Card) transmitting  from Emirler, Turkey

The Mighty KBC (eQSL) transmitting from Nauen, German

Superclan Radio* via Channel 292 (eQSL) transmitting from Rohbach, Germany

Straightline Radio Austria* (eQSL) transmitting from Austria

Adventist World Radio (QSL Card) transmitting from Moosbrunn, Austria

NHK World - Radio Japan (QSL Card) transmitting from Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Radio Northern Ireland* via Channel 292 (QSL) transmitting from Rohrbach, Germany

Radio Habana Cuba [logged on 16 metre band] (QSL Card) transmitting from Habana, Cuba

Radio Habana Cuba [logged on 25 metre band] (QSL Card) transmitting from Habana, Cuba

Voice of Turkey (QSL Card) transmitting from Emirler, Turkey

Yodobashi Church / HCJB Japan  (QSL Card) transmitting from Kununurra, Australia

Radio Spaceshuttle International* (QSL) transmitting from Kostinbrod, Bulgaria
Radio CFRX* (QSL) transmitting from Toronto, Canada

*Transmission was received via SDR receiver at Twente University in the Netherlands

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Two QSLs from India

Spectrum Management  appears to be a much more efficient organisation in responding to reception reports than in past years. This year alone I have obtained QSLs from long-sought after All India Radio (AIR) stations transmitting from Port Blair, Kurseong and Jaipur. And, just today I received confirmation for AIR stations transmitting from Chennai and Hyderabad. Thank you, Spectrum Management!!!

Anyone wishing to acquire QSLs for AIR stations, generally heard on the tropical bands, now is a good time. Spectrum Management is responding to correct reception reports with accompanying  audio files of the respective AIR station(s). I for one will certainly be submitting more reports; there are at least a half dozen more AIR stations received in Malaysia, yet to be QSLed.

Happy DXing!!!

Radio Free Asia (via Saipan)

Radio Free Asia, transmitting from Saipan, was logged on 29 September 2015. News/current event reports about Kampuchea and region with Khmer music filler was noted from 23.00 till 23.30 UTC (broadcast time 22.30 till 23.30 UTC). Reception on 13.740 kHz was (SINPO) 54554 -- excellent signal strength, strong and clear audio, despite slight transmitter hum

Reception report was emailed to RFA on the same day. QSL card arrived in mail on 13 October 2015.


Random Log for 29 September 2015

In a random band scan  on 29 September 2015, from 22.30 till 23.30 UTC, a variety of stations from Asia and the Americas were observed, here in peninsular Malaysia. As ususal, CNR and CRI dominated all shortwave bands. Radio Marti out of the Edward R. Morrow transmitter site in Greenville (NC) was uncharacteristically strong and clear, much more so than Radio Habana Cuba. WRMI managed to be heard as well, growing in strength after 23.00 UTC, but still comparatively weaker than in past years;  this however should improve in the next few months. 73s from Malaysia!

Radio Australia // 15.415 // 35423 // Health related programme in English

Rádio Aparecida
// 11.855 // 24431 // Catholic programming in Portuguese

CNR // 13.870 // 55555 // Programming in Mandarin

Radio Habana Cuba // 11.840 // 25442 // Programming in Spanish

Radio Nikkei
// 9.595 // 25442 // Japanese pop music and talk in Japanese

Voice Of Korea
// 13.760 // 24432 // North Korean music and political commentary in Spanish

Radio Free Asia
// 13.740 // 54554 // News/current event reports in Khmer

WRMI // 9.955 // 24321 // Brother Stair
Radio Marti // 11.930 // 44333 // Commentary on Cuba in Spanish

Monday, September 28, 2015

Marconi Radio International*

Marconi Radio International*, broadcasting in a test transmission from Italy, was logged on 22 September 2015. Instrumental music with ID was observed from  17.45 till 18.05 UTC. Reception on 11.390 kHz was (SINPO) 15231 -- carrier signal was present most of the transmission, with faint audio occasionally peaking above atmosheric noise. Aside from this, reception was very noisy. After 18.15 UTC, reception gradually deteriorated and carrier was barely noticeable.

Reception report was emailed on the same day. On 28 September 2015, I received a very nice email and newsletter from MRI, along with this eQSL. 


Here is an extract from their email: "...We are a small free radio station broadcasting from Italy which, after 15 years of dormancy, returned back to the airwaves on 15th August 2015. Currently we are airing test broadcasts on our historic frequency of 11390 kHz and power in the region of 30 watts. Although  we are not broadcasting regularly, we usually  go on air on Fridays  from 1700 to 1900 UTC and on Saturdays from 1230 to 1430 UTC (Fridays 1800-2000 UTC and Saturdays 1330-1530 UTC in October-March when Daylight Saving Time is not in force in Italy).

"However, as we are still testing times and days of transmission are liable to change and last minute information on when our tests are scheduled is regularly sent in advance to short-wave community and listeners in our mailing list.

"Here is the schedule for this week’s test broadcasts of Marconi Radio International:
30th September 2015, from approximately 1745 to 1845 UTC.
1st  October   2015, from approximately 1745 to 1945 UTC
3rd  October   2015, from approximately 1230 to 1530 UTC."

Grazie mille, Marconi Radio International!!!

*Logged using a remote SDR receiver linked to the University of Twente (The Netherlands) website and monitored in Malaysia from a Lenovo S660

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Radio Amathusia*

Radio Amathusia*, broadcasting from the transmitter site of Deutsches Radio 700 in Kall-Krekel (Germany), was logged on 27 September 2015. A selection of jazz tunes, including a medley of John Sousa compositions, i.e. "Liberty Bell March", "Stars & Stripes Forever", "The Washington Post", were heard from from 08.45 till 09.00 UTC (broadcast time 08.30 till 09.00 UTC). Reception on 7.310 kHz was (SINPO) 44444 -- good signal and clarity of audio.

To assess the quality of and identify this transmission, please listen to the following audio clip HERE.

Reception report was emailed the following day. This QSL cad arrived in the mail on 12 October 2015.



*Logged using a remote SDR receiver linked to the University of Twente (The Netherlands) website and monitored in Malaysia from a desktop computer

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Radio CFRX* (Toronto)

Radio CFRX*, transmitting from Toronto (Canada), was logged on 27 September 2015.  A News/Talk show with host Mark Elliot discussed addiction with callers, public service announcements and commercial advertisements and snippets of the songs "Eight Miles High" and "I Said Cocaine" were heard from 04.10 till 04.45 UTC. Reception of CFRX on 6.070 kHz was (SINPO) 24331 -- weak to poor with occasional clarity despite minor fading and atmospheric noise.

To assess the quality of and identify this transmission,  listen to the following audio clip with Mark Elliot speaking to a caller HERE.

Reception report was emailed on the same day. QSL card has been promised once C$3.00 is sent to Steve Canney, the veri-signer for CFRX, Letter was posted on 2 October 2015. QSL card did indeed arrive in the mail on 15 October 2015. Thank you very much, Steve!!!


*Logged using a remote SDR receiver linked to the University of Twente (The Netherlands) website and monitored in Malaysia from a desktop computer

Radio Voyager*

Radio Voyager* was logged on 26 September 2015. A mix of jazz, classical, pop, country and western and new age music was heard between 19.05 till 19.35 UTC, under clear and audible conditions, despite some atmospheric noise on 6.950 kHz in USB mode with a SINPO of 35443.

Reception report was emailed the following day.This eQSL from 400 watt pep Radio Voyager arrived on 1 October 2015. Thank you, Capt. Danny!


*Logged using remote SDR receiver at University of Twente (The Netherlands) and monitored in Malaysia using a Lenovo S660

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

The Last Paper QSL from RNZI?

The above paper QSL is quite likely the last one from Radio New Zealand International. Based on the letter received with this QSL, Adrian Sainsbury writes RNZI has ended its paper QSLs. RNZI will continue to issue ONLY eQSLs for correct reception reports. I guess it was bound to happen. I am immensely grateful to have received many of their QSLs in the "Sounds Like Us" series. Hopefully RNZI will come up with a series of eQSLs, possibly adapted from the paper ones. In any event, thank you, RNZI!!!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Radio Spaceshuttle International* (via Kostinbrod)

Radio Spaceshuttle International*, transmitting from Kostinbrod (Bulgaria), was logged 20 September 2015. RSI was heard signing-on at 19.00 UTC (broadcast time 19.00 till 20.00 UTC) on 13.600 kHz with SINPO of 45454 -- good signal strength, clear and audible, despite slight atmospheric noise. Unfortunately signal could not be received directly in Malaysia as it had been in previous broadcasts.

To assess the quality of reception listen HERE

Reception report was emailed to RSI the following day. I expect nothing. Previous email and mail with reception reports (at least two with $$) have gone unanswered. So, we shall see what turns up. On 21 September 2015, Dick replied by saying, "Thank you for listening Timm- once again! Shall remémber you and sent your QSLs." Hmmm! I don't know quite what to think about this.

*Logged using remote SDR receiver at University of Twente (The Netherlands) and monitored in Malaysia using a desktop computer.

The Mighty KBC (via Nauen)

The Mighty KBC, transmitting from Nauen (Germany), was logged on 20 September 2015. Emperor Rosko's "LA Connection"  was observed playing a selection of classic rock/pop songs, including a selection of classic pop/rock music: Fly & The Family Stone - "Hail to the Music",  Michael Jackson - "Don't Stop Till You Get Enough", Van Morrison - "Domino (On the Radio)", "Dancing on a Saturday Night", The Emperors - "Dance the Rosko", "Baby, I Love You" and U2 - "The Miracle (Of Joey Ramone)". Station IDs, promos for KBC and advertisements were also noted from 12.30 till 13.00 UTC. At 13.00 UTC, the Ron O'Quinnn "Rock-n-Roll Rewind" show followed.
Reception on 6.095 kHz was (SINPO) 22531 -- weak to poor signal strength, but audible despite QRM splatter from adjacent station in Asia (CRI on 6.100 kHz?). Receiver used was a Sangean ATS-909. Signal has been detected in the past (January 2015, after 14.00 UTC) on this frequency, and again reception was not much better than this.

Reception report was emailed to the Mighty KBC on the same day. A report by mail with $$ for paper QSL followed a few days later. The  eQSL arrived on 21 September 2015. After an follow-up email to KBC regarding their paper QSL card, Eric van Willegen replied to say: "Good to hear from you. Yes,  I have received your letter. I have returned the paper QSl card +/- 1 week ago if I remember it correctly, so please wait a little bit longer. Please contact me if you haven't received it at the end of next week, than I will send a new one." QSL card arrived in the mail on 31 December 2015.



Postal Address:
KBC import / export
Argonstraat 6
6718 WT Ede

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Straightline Radio Austria*

Straightline Radio Austria*, transmitting presumably from Austria, was logged on  19 September 2015. Techno music looped over and over with station ID and request for reception reports to "", using a synthesized male voice and speaking in English, was briefly observed from 19.30 till 19.35 UTC. Reception on 6.330 kHz (SINPO): 34433 -- fair to good signal strength, clear and audible speech, despite slight fading and some atmospheric noise

Reception report was emailed on the same day.An eQSL from Straightline arrived the following day, 20 September 2015.


*Logged using remote SDR receiver at University of Twente (The Netherlands) and monitored in Malaysia using a Lenovo S660

Manara Radio Nigeria (via Issoudun)

Manara Radio Nigeria, transmitting from Issoudun (France), was logged on 18 September 2015. A Hausa language broadcast, between 16.00 till 16.30 UTC (broadcast time 16.00 till 17.00 UTC), discussing the sunnah and Prophet Muhammad (saw) was heard, despite a SINPO of 25322 -- weak, audible and clear despite lengthy and occasional fading. Signal weakened after 16.30 UTC to 25311.even through reception was poor due to weak signal strength, atmospheric noise and fading.

To help you confirm and assess the quality of reception on 17.765 kHz, listen to this AUDIO FILE.

 Reception report was emailed and FB messaged to Manara Radio Nigeria. 


Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Radio Romania International

Radio Romania International, transmitting from Galbenia and Tiganesti (Romania) was logged on the 16 and 13 metre bands on 17 September 2015. An English language broadcast of news, commentary on the Hungarian handling of refugees and cultural prorammes were observed from 05.30 till 06.00 UTC. Reception on 21.500 kHz was (SINPO) 25422 -- weak, audible and clear despite lengthy and occasional fading; reception on 17.760 kHz (SINPO) was 45454 -- good signal strength with minor atmospheric noise.

Reception report was emailed on the same day to Radio Romania International.

Vatican Radio (via Santa Maria di Galeria)

Vatican Radio, transmitting from Santa Maria di Galeria, was logged on 16 September 2015. Classical organ music presumed to be J.S. Bach, followed by station ID, then Catholic news reports, moderated by male announcer, along with feature reporters and interviews, was noted from 05.55 till 06.15 UTC.  Station ID in French language followed afterwards. Reception 15.595 kHz on was (SINPO): 25432 -- weak, audible and clear despite atmospheric noise and slight fading

Reception report was emailed to Vatican Radio on the same day. Later in the day I received an email stating a QSL was en route to me.QSL and stickers arrived on 13 October 2015.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

NHK World - Radio Japan (via Nauen)

NHK World - Radio Japan, transmitting from Nauen (Germany), was logged on 15 September 2015. A Jazz programme, hosted by a Japanese speaking female announcer, provided commentary and music by female vocalist, including the songs "Take the A Train" and "Our Place. As many as seven different songs were heard between 17.20 till 17.45 UTC (broadcast time 17.00 till 19.00 UTC). Reception on 15.445 kHz was (SINPO) 35433 - fair signal with some atmospheric noise and fading, otherwise reception was clear and audible.

Reception report was submitted on-line to NHK world - Radio Japan on 16 September 2015. QSL card arrived in the mail on 16 October 2015.

Monday, September 14, 2015

QSL and Postage Stamps from AWR

Recently I received verification from Adventist World Radio for a transmission from Moosbrumm, Austria. The venerable radio broadcasting guru, Dr. Adrian Peterson signed and verified my reception report. And, as is customary for QSLs from him, an envelope was covered with American postage, not just current stamps, but vintage ones. Certainly if one has a dual passion for collecting QSLs and postage abroad, this is one of the great advantages of corresponding with international broadcasters, especially AWR. I've got to hand to him for keeping these two hobbies alive. It is a rarity nowadays. Thank you, Dr. Peterson!

31 Metres. 11 Countries. 1 Hour.

On 12 September 2015, between 19.30 till 20.00 UTC, international broadcasters from as many as 11 countries were logged on the 31 metre band. Propagation was relatively good, yielding transmissions mostly from Asia, Europe and the Middle East. China Radio International, Radio Romania International and  Voice of Turkey were observed on two or more frequencies. As always, reception may vary in your location. Give the dial a turn and tune in. Happy DXing!


China Radio International via Cerrik // 9.480 kHz // 34433 // Programming in French


Radio Algerienne via Issoudun // 9.375  kHz // 44444 // Programming in Arabic with Quran recitation

Adventist World Radio via Nauen // 9.610 kHz // 34443


Hellinki Radiophonia via Avlis // 9.420 kHz // 24321 // // Programming in Greek

Voice of Indonesia via Jakarta // 9.525 kHz // 54554 // Programming in Indonesian with music

IRIB // 9.715 kHz // 34443 // // Programming in Bosnian

VOA via Sulaibiyah // 9.490 kHz // 44444 // Programming in French

Radio Romania International via Galbeni // 9.500 kHz // 45454  // Programming in Romanian

RTM Sarawak FM via Kajang // 9.835 kHz // 54454 // Programming in Malay with music

Medi 1 via Nador // 9.574 kHz // 24332 // Programming in French/Arabic with music

Voice of Turkey via Emirler // 9.460 kHz // 34443 // Programming in Uighur

Receiver used was a Tecsun S-2000 linked to a 1/4 wave aerial elevated at a height of 13 metres.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

NBC Radio New Ireland Commemorative Song

Although NBC Radio New Ireland no longer broadcasts on the shortwave bands, I thought I would share this recent email from them. It's a song commemorating  their 40 years of independence.

Enjoy this song to commemorate our 40 years of independence. It  features two New Ireland languages of Tungak and Mussao.

Apart from that we have English as the main line and other representations in the song in terms of language has Pidgin, Motu and Waskia language of the Karkar people of Madang Province.

The musical arrangement and composition has also tried to capture the four regional styles if you listen closely.

It features YumiFM's radio personality Kasty on narration. Also, New Ireland's legendary reggae artist Justice Mokiniz and Gee Ruun, an up and coming producer in the music industry.

Please click HERE to download and enjoy Biutiful PNG by O'Wahn Ft. Kasty, Justice Mokiniz, Gee Ruun.


Tuesday, September 8, 2015

31 Metres. 12 Countries. 1 Hour,

In a random band scan of the 31 metre band at 09.00 UTC, on 8 September, as many as 12 countries were logged. Propagation was noisy, but has been better in previous months at this time. As always conditions may be better elsewhere in the world. Happy DXing!

CNR via Beijing // 9.420 kHz // 25322 // Programming in Mandarin
CRI via Nanning // 9.490 kHz // 25322 // Programming in Mandarin
CNR via Baoji // 9.535 kHz // 25332 // Programming in Mandarin

AIR // 9.870 kHz // 45434 // Programming in Hindi

Radio Nikkei // 9.595 kHz // 45323 // Led Zeppelin programme in Japanese
NHK World Radio Japan // 35433 // Programming in Japanese

RTM Sarawak FM via Kajang // 9.835 kHz // 45333/ Music in Malay

Myanmar Radio // 9.730 kHz // 35333

Radio New Zealand International // 9.700 kHz // 25322 // Programming in English

KCBS Pyongyang // 9.665 kHz // 25222 // Programming in Korean

WHRI via Koror // 9.930 kHz // 55445 // Religious programming in English

FEBC via Bocaue // 9.400 kHz // 55555 // Programming in Mandarin
FEBC via Bocaue // 9.430 kHz // 25322  // Programming in Mandarin

KBS World Radio via Kimjae // 9.570 kHz // 35343 // Programming in Korean

VOV 1 // 9.635 kHz // 35333 // Programming in Vietnamese

CRI via Lhasa // 9.500 kHz // 15321 (mostly carrier) // Programming in Tibetan

Receiver used was a Degen DE-1102 (Kaito KA-1102) linked to a 40 foot inverted L antenna

Monday, September 7, 2015

Two QSLs from Cuba

Cuba may not seem like a great station to DX in North America, given their close proximity. In South East Asia however it is always a thrill to catch their signal. Such was the case earlier this year  when conditions were ideal -- as it always is -- for logging Radio Habana Cuba on the 25 metre and 16 metre bands, the latter frequency being a first for me. Although I have QSLed RHC many times, it is still a joy to hear from them. Mucho gracias RHC!!!

Radio Habana Cuba

Radio Habana Cuba was logged on 19 April 2015. Frequent station IDs, Spanish guitar music and commentary about Cuba and North American relationship was noted. Surprisingly, it was a Spanish language broadcast on the 16 meter band monitored from 21.10 till 21.40 UTC. While reception is usually received best on the 21 and 19 metre band, here in South East Asia, this marked the first time RHC was heard on 16 metres. Reception on 17.730 kHz was (SINPO) at 21.10 UTC was (SINPO) 35443 - fair signal strength, clear audio with fluttering fade; transmission weakened after 21.30 UTC to 25332.

Reception report was emailed on 25 April 2015. QSL card arrived in the mail on 8 September 2015. 

19 Metres. 14 Countries. 1 Hour,

In a random band scan of the 19 metre band at 09.00 UTC, on 7 September, as many as 14 countries were logged. China continued to dominate the band, even with a few redundant broadcasts on different frequencies. Propagation seemed a tad noisy, but certainly much better than on the 25 metre band which is almost useless, here in South East Asia. Reception of course may be better in other regions of the world. Give the radio dial a turn. See what comes through the radio waves. Happy DXing!

CRI via Kunming // 15.135 kHz // 55555 // Programming in Indonesian
CRI via Kunming // 15.250 kHz // 55555 // Programming in Mandarin
CRI via Kasgar // 15.335 kHz // 55555 // Programming in Russian
CRI via Kashgar // 15.350 kHz // 55545 // Programming in English
CNR via Beijing // 15.370 and 15.380 kHz // 55555 // Programming in Mandarin
CNR via Lingshi // 15.390 kHz // 35433 // Programming in Uigher
CRI via Urumqi // 15.525 kHz // 55555 // Programming in Mandarin
CNR via Xian // 15.540 kHz // 35433 // Programming in Mandarin
CNR via Beijing // 15.550 kHz // 55555 // Programming in Mandarin
CRI via Xian // 15.560 kHz // 44444
CNR via Baoji // 15.570 kHz // 45444 // Programming in Tibetan
CRI via Kashgar // 15.665 kHz // 44444 // Programming in Russian


WWVH // 15.000 kHz //35343 // Time signal in English

AIR via Aligarh  // 15.770 kHz // 55555

IRIB via Kamalabad // 15.630 kHz // 45444 // Programming in Russian
IRIB via Zahedan // 15.750 kHz // 45333 // Programming in Arabic

Radio Liberty via Sulaibiyah //15.090 kHz // 55555
VOA - Radio Aap ki Dunyaa via Sulaibiyah  // 15.360 kHz // 55555 // Programming in Urdu

Voice of Nigeria // 15.120 kHz // 34333

Voice of Korea // 15.245 kHz // 23342 // Programming in Korean

BBC via A' Seela // 15.310 kHz // 25331 // Programming in Pashto

FEBC via Bocaue // 15.585 kHz // 55555 // Programming in Makassar

Radio Pakistan (?) // 15.800 kHz // 25432 // Programming in Urdu

BSKSA 1 // 15.490 kHz // 34333 // Programming in Arabic

KBS World Radio via Kimjae // 15.160 kHz // 44333 // Programming in Korean

VOA - Radio Aap ki Dunyaa via Iranawila  // 15.760 kHz // 45444

Radio Taiwan International via Pauchung // 15.135 kHz // 55555 // Programming in Vietnamese
Radio Taiwan International // 15.485 kHz // 55555

Receiver used was a Sangean ATS-909 linked to a 40 foot inverted L antenna

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Radio Northern Ireland*

Radio Northern Ireland* via Channel 292, transmitting from Rohrbach (Germany), was logged on 6 September 2015. Broadcast was monitored from 21.08 till 21.28 UTC, with sign-on at 21.00 UTC. Contemporary / alternative music presented by a male DJ included "West Coast Queenie", station ID for "RNI" and DJ introducing the next track, a comedy skit (Lebanon Crisis) from a Northern Ireland TV series, followed by "I Like Driving in My Car" and  "Dance Floor"(?). At 21.28 UTC, severe QRM hampered further reception of RNI, either this or the transmission ended abruptly. Reception on 6.070 kHz was (SINPO) 55555 -- excellent on all accounts until 21.28 UTC when severe QRM from an identifiable source overwhelmed signal drowning out audio.

Reception report was emailed to Radio Northern Ireland on the same day. Jordan at RNI replied the following day promising a QSL. He also mentioned the QRM was from a Brazilian station and that he would reschedule for a better time slot to avoid future interference. QSL card arrived in the mail on 4 March 2016. Thank you, Jordan!


*Transmission was received via SDR receiver at Twente University in the Netherlands

Radio Super Clan*

Radio Super Clan* via Channel 292, transmitting from Rohrbach (Germany), was logged on 6 Sept 2015. A selection of Seventies music, including Sammy Davis - "Candyman", John Denver - "Thank God I'm A Country Boy", Cool & the Gang - "Get Down", Dr Hook - "Cover of the Rolling Stone", Eric Clapton - "I Shot the Sheriff", Gilbert O'Sullivan - "Alone Again, Naturally", Jim Croce - "Have To Say I Love You in a Song", Paul Simon - "Kodachrome" and more classic hits with occasional IDs and old commercials, was heard from  07.05 till 07.35 UTC. Reception on 6.070 kHz was (SINPO) 55545 -- a relatively excellent signal with clear audio despite some minor fading

Reception report was emailed to Radio Super Clan on the same day. This eQSL arrived on 21 September 2015.

*Transmission was received via SDR receiver at Twente University in the Netherlands

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Voice of Turkey

Voice of Turkey, transmitting from Emirler, was logged on 4 September 2015. An English language broadcast was monitored from 16.40 till 17.26 UTC (broadcast time 16.30 till 17.26 UTC). Programmes included an editorial comment on Syrian refugees, "Turkey and World Agenda" focused on 'Turkey's War of Independence', "Eco-friendly Tips" highlighted recyclable waste, a regular feature "Question of the Month" followed, with Turkish pop music interspersed between programmes. Transmission details and contact information rounded out the broadcast, then interval tune was looped for nearly 10 minutes before transmission finally ended.

Reception on 15.520  kHz was (SINPO): 55344 -- a relatively excellent signal with clear audio, despite occasional atmospheric noise and slight fading, was observed throughout the transmission.

Reception report was emailed on 5 September 2015. QSL card, coaster and bookmark arrived in the mail on 15 October 2015.