Thursday, April 16, 2020

A Message to My Fellow Radio Hobbyists

Almost everyone on our planet has been affected by the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic. It has infected millions of people, killed thousands and disrupted the lives of everyone. As we all know financial institutions have been hit drastically, unemployment has risen, businesses have been driven to bankruptcy or permanent closure, healthcare frontliners have courageously borne the brunt, and governments have been challenged to provide relief to their citizenry at all levels of life.

With worldwide lockdowns or movement control policies in effect due to this pandemic, mail and email from radio stations have also been severely affected. As a result a few stations, notably the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (MW affiliates), Radio Exterior de Espana, Radio Romania International, Radio Taiwan International, to name just a few, have emailed to inform me that reception reports will be addressed after the crisis. As for additional reception reports submitted elsewhere in the world, presently and prior to this, it remains to be seen whether a response will be forthcoming. One might suppose it depends on how hard the pandemic has affected each country. 

I mean not to trivialise this matter. Reception reports and QSLs obviously pale in comparison. We, radio enthusiasts, will pick up where we left off. It's in our nature to listen to a station and send reports regardless. I call attention to the disruption in our hobby merely to document this historic moment, to express hope that the world will ultimately rise above the Covid-19 pandemic.

Meanwhile, let us stay home, keep on DXing and stay safe. 73.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, yes stay at home and good SWL DX'ing !!! 73 de FØDUW Frank near paris france
