Nippon Hoso Kyokai 2 / Osaka Broadcasting Station (JOBB) in Habikino City, Osaka, Japan was logged on 30 November 2019.
After an apparent delay in mail delivery -- an estimated eight months -- due to the Covid-19 pandemic I received this envelope from Osaka. Inside, it contained a station sticker, radio programme schedule, Japan travel leaflet, postcard of Japanese actors and a semi-verification card.
I say "semi-verification" as NHK-2 stations on MW are rarely verified nowadays, but they do acknowledge receipt of emails/letters. Why bother to send any of these items is a mystery; apparently it is a cultural courtesy of the Japanese, and if so, I appreciate the gesture.
Whatever the case, NHK-2 / JOBB featured a mostly talk format in Japanese with occasional music when the station was monitored from 21.05 UTC, on 828 kHz with SINPO of 25432 -- weak to fair signal, clear content, fading, no interference until 22.00 UTC.
Reception report was mailed and emailed in early December 2019. This semi-verification arrived in the mail on 14 August 2020.
RX: Tecsun S-2000 ANT: 1/4 wave QTH: Malaysia