All India Radio Najibabad (QSL Card) transmitting on medium-wave from Bijnor District, Uttar Pradesh, India

Radio Pushka* (QSL Card) transmitting from Channel 292 in Rohrbach, Germany

Vatican Radio (QSL Card) transmitting from Talata-Volonodry, Madagascar

Sapporo TV Hoso - JOWF (QSL Card) transmitting on medium-wave from Sapporo City, Hokkaido, Japan

ABC Sydney (eQSL) transmitting on medium-wave from Preston, New South Wales, Australia

ABC Adelaide (eQSL) transmitting on medium-wave from Pimpala, South Australia

FRS Holland (QSL Card) transmitting from The Netherlands

Japan Short Wave Club/Wavescan via WRMI (QSL Card) transmitting from Okeechobee, Florida (USA)

Voice of Vietnam (QSL Card) transmitting from Hanoi-Sontay, Vietnam
Voice of Vietnam - VOV4 (QSL) transmitting from Thành phố Cần Thơ, southern Vietnam
*Logged using a remote SDR receiver in Bedford, England which was monitored in Malaysia