QSLs received for the month of July 2013:
Voice of Turkey (QSL card) transmitting from Emirler, Turkey
NHK World - Radio Japan (QSL card) transmitting from Palau
NHK World - Radio Japan (QSL card) transmitting from Ascension Island
WWV (QSL card) transmitting from Fort Collins, Colorado (USA) on 20 MHz
Radio France International (eQSL) transmitting from Issoudun
RRI Madiun (QSL letter) a medium-wave station transmitting from Madiun, East Java, Indonesia
RRI Ternate (QSL letter) transmitting from Ternate, Maluku Utara, Indonesia
RRI Kendari (QSL letter) transmitting from Kendari, Sulawesi, Indonesia
RRI Makassar (QSL letter) transmitting from Makassar, Sulawesi, Indonesia
RRI Fak-Fak (QSL letter) transmitting from Fak-Fak, Papua Barat, Indonesia
RRI Wamena (QSL letter) transmitting from Wamena, Papua Barat, Indonesia
Voice of Mongolia (QSL card) transmitting from Ulaanbaator
Radio Guaruja (QSL card and Letter) transmitting from Florianopolis, Brazil
Indian DX Report via KBS World Radio (eQSL) transmitting from Kimjae, Republic of Korea
KVOD / Colorado Public Radio (QSL email) Internet broadcast from Denver, Colorado, USA
KRWZ (eQSL) Internet broadcast from Denver, Colorado, USA
Promised QSLs:
Voice of Turkey (QSL) transmitting from Emirler, Turkey
Adventist World Radio (QSL) transmitting from Moosbrunn, Austria
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Monday, July 29, 2013
Radio Habana Cuba
Radio Habana Cuba was logged on 29 July 2013. A Spanish language broadcast of news, information and intermittent instrumental music was monitored from 22.20 to 22.57 UTC. Reception on 17.720 kHz was (SINPO) 25332 -- weak signal with atmospheric noise and slight fading, yet clear and discernible speech was detected. Transmission suddenly ceased at 22.57 UTC.
The quality of this transmission may be heard HERE.
Reception report was emailed RHC on the following day.
radiohc@rhc.icrt.cuNBC National Radio - Dabai Team, PNG
Last week I received a reply from The Dabai Team at National Broadcasting Corporation in Papua New Guinea. After several unsuccessful attempts to contact NBC and NBC Dabai, I followed-up with a less than polite message regarding the failure of NBC to respond to letters and emails over the past year. At the same time I resubmitted previous reception reports of their provincial stations: Radio New Ireland, Radio Manus, Voice of Oro, Radio East New Britain, Radio West New Britain, Radio West Sepik, Radio Madang and Radio Milne Bay.
NBC - Dabai Team emailed shortly thereafter promising to forward my reception reports to the NBC Managing Director and Chief Engineer. Only two NBC provincial stations (Radio East New Britain and Radio Milne Bay) have replied and verified after submitting self-prepared eQSLs. Never have I received a direct reply from NBC per se. So, this email came with surprise and hope. With any luck, someone will finally issue a Letter of Verification (QSL) for each or collectively for these provincial stations.
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Adventist World Radio "Wavescan" (via Guam)
Adventist World Radio / Bangladesh DX Report, transmitting from KSDA in Agat, Guam, was logged on 21 July 2013. Wavescan and Bangladesh DX Report was observed from 16.14 to 16.30 UTC (broadcast time 16.00 to 16.30 UTC). Reception on 15.670 kHz was (SINPO) 35433 -- fair signal strength with adequate audio quality and no interference.
Reception report was emailed to AWR and Bangladesh DX Report the following day. An eQSL from Bangladesh DX was received on 25 August 2013. A QSL card from AWR arrived in the mail on 12 September 2013.
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Radio Republik Indonesia / World Service Voice of Indonesia
HAPPY NEWS FROM RADIO REPUBLIK INDONESIA!!! Confirmation of 6 RRI Stations. 3 New SW Countries. 1 MW Country.
Drs. Eddy Sukmana, Director of RRI World Service Voice of Indonesia, with this Letter of Verification has forwarded and confirmed my reception reports for RRI Madiun, RRI Makassar, RRI Kendari, RRI Fak-Fak, RRI Wamena and RRI Ternate.
This letter may be the closest QSL I will ever receive from any of the respective RRI stations. With it comes THREE NEW SW COUNTRIES according to NASWA: Makassar and Kendari (Sulawesi), Wamena and Fak-Fak (Papua) and Ternate (Molucca). RRI Madiun (Java) is a MW station.
NOTE: I posted a letter, along with sound file links, to RRI-VOI in Jakarta a few months ago. This letter, which I presume is now en route to my postal address, was attached in an email on 16 July 2013. At the same time, I emailed VoI and made a similar request. See my previous blog entry HERE.
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Radio Kuwait (Sulaibiyah)
Radio Kuwait in Sulaibiyah, Kuwait was logged on 14 July 2013. An English language broadcast of local, regional and world news and Ramadan programming was observed from 18.30 to 19.15 UTC (broadcast time 18.00 to 21.00 UTC). Reception on 15.540 kHz was (SINPO) 45554 - good signal strength and clarity.
A reception report was emailed the following day. Letter of verification, together with their programme schedule, arrived in the mail on 26 February 2014. Previously verifications from Radio Kuwait were issued on an A4 size art card.
ERTU Radio Cairo (Abu Zaabal)
ERTU Radio Cairo, transmitting from Abu Zaabal, Egypt, was logged on 14 July 2013. An English broadcast featuring programmes and music about Ramadan and news was monitored from 16.10 to 17.00 UTC (broadcast time 16.00 to 18.00 UTC). Reception on 15.345 kHz at 16.10 UTC was (SINPO) 45433 - slight over-modulation and fading, otherwise audible with good signal strength. At 16.30 UTC, reception deteriorated to 25322 - weak signal with fading and atmospheric noise drowning out audio. By 16.50 UTC, signal worsened to 25221 -- while speech and music was audible, increased fading and atmospheric noise made it impossible to clearly hear content.
A clip from this transmission at 16.45 UTC may be heard HERE.
A reception report was emailed to ERTU on the following day. QSL card arrive by registered mail on 11 January 2014.
Saturday, July 13, 2013
NHK World - Radio Japan (via Palau Medorn)
NHK World - Radio Japan, transmitting from Palau Medorn, was logged on 13 July 2013. An English broadcast profiling a Japanese recording artiste and her music was observed from 14.10 to 14.30 UTC (broadcast time 14.00 to 14.30 UTC). Reception on 11.705 kHz was (SINPO) 55545 -- excellent reception with only minor fading.
Reception report was submitted on-line at Radio Japan. QSL card arrived in the mail on 29 July 2013.
Radio Spaceshuttle International (Finland)
Radio Spaceshuttle International, a free radio station transmitting somewhere in Finland, was logged on 13 July 2013. A broadcast of music and frequent station IDs was monitored from 15.45 to 16.45 UTC. At 15.45 UTC, reception on 15.880 kHz in USB mode was (SINPO) 15321 -- audio detected but weak with severe QRN. At 16.00 UTC, signal strengthened slightly to 25321. At 16.30 UTC, signal was 35432 -- much stronger with increased audio clarity.
A sample of this transmission at 16.20 UTC may be heard HERE.
Reception report was emailed to Dick at Radio Spaceshuttle shortly after the transmission. On 12 August, Radio Spaceshuttle International emailed, stating: "Thanks for remaind. Your QSL is in "progress"... Shall surely come...Dick."
Friday, July 12, 2013
Voice of the People (Republic of Korea)
Voice of the People, transmitting from Kyonggi-do, Republic of Korea, was logged on 12 July 2013. A Korean language broadcast with commentary and occasional music was noted from 20.30 to 21.00 UTC. Reception on 6.518 kHz (SINPO) at 20.35 UTC was 45454 - good signal strength and free from jamming. At 20.40 UTC signal was jammed degrading reception to 22452.
No postal address or email is known for this clandestine station, although it is purportedly operated by the ROK military. Previous attempts to contact the station have failed.
Voice of Turkey
Voice of Turkey via Emirler transmitter site was received on 12 July 2013. An English language broadcast of news, cultural programmes and Turkish pop music was heard from 16.30 to 17.24 UTC. Reception on 15.520 kHz was (SINPO) 55555 - excellent on all accounts, except at 17.02 UTC when an audio and transmitter switching problem occurred. This was resolved a few minutes later.
Reception was emailed to TRT. This QSL card and another coaster promoting Turkey arrived in the mail on 1 August 2013.
Adventist World Radio (via Moosbrunn)
Adventist World Radio, transmitting from Moosbrunn, Austria, was logged on 12 July 2013. An Urdu language broadcast was monitored from 16.20 to 16.30 UTC (broadcast time 16.00 to 16.30 UTC). Reception on 15.260 kHz was (SINPO) 44544 - some station splatter, slight fading, otherwise good signal strength and clarity.
Reception report was emailed to AWR. I received an email from AWR in Germany, confirming my report with the promise of a QSL on 26 July 2013. A QSL card, togther with several stickers and pocket calendars, arrived in the mail from Germany on 6 August 2013.
BPM - National Time Service Center (China)
BPM - National Time Service Center, transmitting from Shangqui Lintong, People's Republic of China, was logged on 12 July 2013. Time pips with prominent note and female voice ID of station and time in Chinese every 30 and 60 seconds was observed from 17.00 to 22.00 UTC. Reception on 10 mHz from 17.00 to 19.00 UTC was (SINPO) 43554 -- good signal strength with interference from WWVH in Hawaii. From 19.00 to 22.00 signal was 45554 -- time pips and audio dominated the frequency; there was no audio from WWVH. This station was previously logged and QSLed on 15 mHz, hence the reason for submitting another report to NTSC, China.
Reception report was emailed to BPM.
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Radio Guaruja (Brazil)
Radio Guaruja, transmitting from Florianpolis, SC, Brazil, was logged on 4 February 2013. A Portuguese language broadcast consisting of a largely talk format was observed from 11.05 to 11.45 UTC. Transmission was received on 5.980 kHz. Reception (SINPO) at 11.05 UTC was 22321 -- weak signal, but audible despite severe station splatter from CRI. By 12.00 UTC, signal was no long audible.
Reception report was emailed on the same day. Much to my surprise I received this large QSL, letter and sticker from Mr. Carlos Silva on 11 July 2913. My understanding is the short-wave service is now defunct.
Reception report was emailed on the same day. Much to my surprise I received this large QSL, letter and sticker from Mr. Carlos Silva on 11 July 2913. My understanding is the short-wave service is now defunct.
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Hamburger Lokalradio
07.00 to 09.00 UTC on 15.785 KHz - Hamburger Lokalradio (Test broadcast)
10.00 to 12.00 UTC on 15.785 KHz - Hamburger Lokalradio (Test broadcast)
14.00 to 16.00 UTC on 15.785 KHz - Hamburger Lokalradio (Test broadcast)
18.00 to 20.00 UTC on 15.785 KHz - Hamburger Lokalradio (Test broadcast)
www.hamburger lokalradio.de
www.hamburger lokalradio.de
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Voice of Turkey
Voice of Turkey, transmitting from Emirler, was logged on 3 July 2013. An English language broadcast of news, letters from listeners and Turkish pop music was heard from 21.55 to 22.22 UTC (broadcast time 21.30 to 22.22 UTC). Reception on 7.205 kHz before 22.00 was (SINPO) 55545. At 22.00 UTC, reception was 33443 -- strong interference from China Radio International virtually buried Voice of Turkey, although a signal was still audible. Reception deteriorated further to 22432 just before sign off.
A reception report to Voice of Turkey was emailed the following day. QSL arrived in the mail on 1 August 2013.
KVOD Denver-Boulder (Web-radio / Internet)
I actually grew up listening to KVOD when the station was located on Ruby Hill. I credit announcers John Wolfe and Gene Amole for introducing me to the classical music world of Mozart, Beethoven, Wagner, Rossini et al. I remember especially well Amole broadcasting from Larimer Square. He called his segment In The Square at Café Promenade and birds twittered in the background while he chatted up his audience. One of his oft-played songs was Mannheim Steamroller’s Toota Lute, which while not classical music per se, certainly complemented the format. These guys had panache, and were just as classy as the music they played for their listeners.

Monday, July 1, 2013
KRWZ - Denver (Web-radio / Internet)
Radio Station KRWZ - Cruisin' Oldies 950, broadcasting from Denver, Colorado (USA), was logged on 1 July 2013. I listened to 50s, 60s and 70s pop classics from 22.15 to 22.50 UTC (05.15 to 05.50 pm Denver time). Broadcasts are 24/7. I observed clear and rock-solid (pun intended) streaming at 64 kps / mp3 and 34 kps /.aac. Internet link used was http://player.streamtheworld.com/_players/lincolnfinancial/?callsign=KRWZAM,
My interest in the station? Aside from enjoying the music of my generation, I grew up listening to another Rock station on 950 kHz -- KIMN -- when I lived in the suburbs of Denver. Unlike KIMN, all those years ago, KRWZ broadcasts nearly commercial-free, uninterrupted music.
My interest in the station? Aside from enjoying the music of my generation, I grew up listening to another Rock station on 950 kHz -- KIMN -- when I lived in the suburbs of Denver. Unlike KIMN, all those years ago, KRWZ broadcasts nearly commercial-free, uninterrupted music.
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