WWV, Fort Collins, USA |
China Radio International (Zhōngguó Guójì Guǎngbō Diàntái), transmitting from Xuanwei City, Yunnan Province, was heard from 17.30 till 17.57 UTC. A Hindi language broadcast of music, talk and learn Chinese programming was observed during this time. Reception on the medium-wave frequency of 1269 kHz rated a SINPO of 44534 -- strong signal, clear and audible content, minimal fading.
HERE's an excerpt of CRI Hindi Service as heard in Malaysia
All India Radio Parbhani (Akashvani Parbhani) was heard from 17.10 till 17.30 UTC with a selection of Indian film/folk music. Reception on the medium-wave frequency of 1305 kHz was (SINPO) 23222 -- poor to fair signal strength and clear audio depending on duration of fading (which on average was approximately two to three minutes apart). The only co-frequency interference in this time period is from a station in Thailand.
Radio Republik Indonesia Singaraja (Pro-1) in Bali -- presumed -- was logged shortly after sign-on at 21.10 UTC. Indonesia pop music was observed mixing with Wor. Por. Thor. 16 -- Witthayu Prajaam Thin (Local Radio, Communications Division Army Signals Dept) in Yala Province (South Thailand). RRI Singaraja remains impossible to receive in the late evening (from 11.30 till 17.00 UTC) due to the more powerful China Radio International transmission out of Xuanwei City, Yunnan Province. Overall reception on the medium-wave frequency of 1080 kHz rated a SINPO of 23322 -- occassionally audible when not fading under Thai station. By 22.30 UTC only heterodyning signal was present.
Radio Romania International was heard from 16.00 till 16.55 UTC, on the short-wave frequency of 9.500 kHz. SINPO was initially 33443 -- fair signal strength and clear audio, but with "white noise" from transmitter up until about 16.20 UTC. Around 16.40 UTC, reception was 44444 -- fair to good signal strength, clear audio with slight interference from TWR Africa (Swaziland), but "white noise" had disappeared.
Voice of Turkey was heard on 14 July 2017, from 16.30 till 17.25 UTC with English News, cultural programmes and Turkish music. SINPO on 15.520 kHz was initially at sign-on rated 35433 -- fair signal strength with fading, not always clear audio content. Reception worsened around 16.45 UTC to 25422 -- audio began dropping under atmospheric noise. By 17.00 UTC, reception was 15321 -- barely audible, then at 17.10 UTC it peaked to 25432 -- still poor, but audible and occasionally clear.
WWV, transmitting from Fort Collins (CO), on 25 kHz was logged from 20 till 22 July 2017. On each day, only time pips/pulses are present in LSB mode. Reception has been detected as early as 16.30 UTC up until 19.50 UTC. SINPO rated 15431 -- audible pips/pulses in LSB mode only, generally no voice ID/time announcement was noted when pips/pulses paused. While reception is poor and barely audible, WWV is present. In 2014, when WWV 25 was briefly activated, pips/pulses and voice content was received.
HERE's an excerpt of WWV on 25 MHz as heard in Malaysia
RX: Tecsun S-2000 and Sangean ATS-909 ANT: 1/4 wave and long wire RX location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia