BBC Radio Scotland* via Burghead, Scotland was logged on 30 March 2019. The Billy Sloan SHow and BBC news was heard from
23.00 till 00.05 UTC (00.00 till 01.05 AM, Scotland time). Reception on the medium-wave frequency of
810 kHz at 23.00 UTC rated a SINPO of 33533 -- fair signal with co-frequency mixing from presumably a dominant Radio Makedonija, fading under Radio Makedonija every five to six minutes, otherwise occasionally clear and audible content. At 23.30 UTC, mixing with Radio Makedonija and later Radio Madrid, but still audible despite strong interference.
Burghead antenna masts |
Reception report was emailed on the same day. An email from Chris Joy, Principal Systems Engineer, Technology Operations for BBC Scotland, confirmed report by email on 8 April 2019, promising to post a note with same confirmation. The note indeed did arrive in the mail on 19 April 2019.
*Station logged from SDR at Twente University, Netherlands.
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