Sunday, November 6, 2016

Radio New Zealand International

Radio New Zealand International,  in a test transmission from Rangitaiki (NZ), was logged on 6 November 2016. RNZI internval, news, sports, weather and Pacific regional news in English was observed from 12.58 till 13.30 UTC and later.

While a "Test Transmission" on 7.355 kHz was initially scheduled the previous day, technical issues prevented RZNI from actually testing until the following day -- 6 November. And then, SINPO was 33443 -- fair signal, good clarity of content, but station splatter from CRI (Kunming) on 7.360 kHz. Transmission was best heard in LSB mode. Signal strengthened after 13.30 UTC, but still plagued by some station splatter from CRI. Once CRI signed off, RNZI ruled the waves.

Interestingly, KNLS in Anchor Point, Alaska operated on the same frequency from 12.00 till 12.58 UTC, and CRI also squashed their signal. They too were only audible in LSB mode.

Reception report was emailed and submitted online on the same day. The online webpage for an eQSL is the only way to obtain verification from RNZI now. Paper QSLs were discontinued last year. The above eQSl was received on 9 November 2016.


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