Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Trans World Radio (Agana)

KWTR Trans World Radio, transmitting from  Agana, Guam, was logged on 30 November 2021. Korean programming, monitored from 14.40 till 15.15 UTC, consisted of music, telephone dail-tone and conversation/interview between two women (announcer and listener), followed by more talk from a male announcer and closure announcement mentioning website and contact details. Reception on 7.510 kHz rated a SINPO of 45343 -- good signal strength, clear content despite moderate atmospheric noise

Reception report was emailed on the following day. QSL card arrived in the mail on 20 January 2022.

RX: Alinco DX-R8T EXT ANT: Passive Loop with 50 feet of 75 ohm lead-in wire QTH: Malaysia

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