Radio Habana Cuba logged 19 and 20 November 2017, from 23.45 till 00.30 UTC with comments about Cuba and later Cuban music. Reception on 13.740 kHz at 23.45 UTC was SINPO 35333 -- poor to fair signal strength, clear and discernible content, atmospheric noise and slight fading. At 23.59 UTC, station splatter from Radio Thailand on 13.745 kHz mixed with RHC signal, which by 00.00 UTC had signed off. Reception on 15.230 kHz at 00.00 UTC was SINPO 25332 -- poor signal strength but clear content despite atmospheric noise. Signal continued to be heard at the same level after 00.30 UTC. I might add, RHC signal on this frequency was first detected around 23.20 UTC, which started as a faint carrier, then grew in strength. Ìn the Americas and Europe, RHC may be a dominant station; however, in South East Asia it is quite the catch, which one has to usually wait for in the winter months. And although I have QSLed the station many times, it always nice to receive their verification. HERE is RHC.

RX: Tecsun S-2000 ANT: 1/4 Wave QTH: West Central Malaysia
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