QSLs received and promised during the month of October 2013:
PCJ Radio International (Special eQSL) transmitting from Trincomalee, Sri Lanka
Voice of Turkey (QSL card) transmitting from Emirler, Turkey
Radio New Zealand International (eQSL) transmitting from Rangitaiki, New Zealand
NBC Radio Sandaun (QSL letter) transmitting from Vanimo, Sandaun Province, Papua New Guinea
Adventist World Radio (QSL card) transmitting from Nauen, Germany
Voice of Turkey (QSL card) transmitting from Emirler
Bible Voice Broadcasting (QSL card) transmitting from Kostinbrod, Bulgaria
RTM Sarawak FM (QSL card) transmitting from Kajang, Malaysia
RTM TRAXX FM (QSL card) transmitting from Kajang, Malaysia
Radio Free Asia (QSL card) transmitting from Tinian
Vatican Radio (QSL card) transmitting from Santa Maria Galeria
Falkland Islands Radio Service (QSL card/email) broadcasting via Internet from Stanley, Falkland Islands
Radio Dialogue via MGLOB (QSL email) transmitting from Talaty Volonotry, Madagascar
Vatican Radio (QSL) transmitting from Talaty Volonotry, Madagascar and Santa Maria di Galeria
Voice of Vietnam (QSL) transmitting from Moosbrunn, Austria
Voice of Vietnam (QSL) transmitting from Hanoi, Vietnam
Voice of Russia (QSL) transmitting from Kishinev-Grigoriopol, Republic of Moldovia
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Log 31 October 2013
Radio Habana Cuba // 11.840 kHz // 35433 // 22.10 UTC onward with commentary on Argentina
Deutsche Welle via Kigali // 11.800 kHz // 55545 // 21.00 UTC with news and programmes in English
Voice of Nigeria // 9.690 kHz // 45444 // 20.45 UTC with Quran recitation and talk, then news at the top in the hour in Hausa
Radio Deus e Amor via Sa Paulo, Brazil // 9.565 kHz // 25322 // 20.35 UTC preacher and music in Portuguese
UNID (suspect evangelical station) // 9.570 kHz // 35333 // 20.30 UTC French speaking female announcer. Sign-off at 21.00 UTC with interval.
Democratic Voice of Burma via Dushanbe // 6.225 kHz // 35433 // 15.30 UTC with talking in Burmese dialects
Voice of Russia via Dushanbe // 6.235 kHz // 25332 // 19.40 UTC onward with music and programmes in Arabic
Radio New Ireland, Papua New Guinea // 3.905 kHz // 25432 -- weak, but audible and
discernible speech // 19.40 UTC with male announcer speaking Tok Pisin
ABC Northern Territory via Tennant Creek, Australia // 2.325 kHz // 25442 // 20.00 UTC onward with news and weather in English
Receiver used: Tecsun S-2000 (Grundig Satellit 750) // External Antenna: 13-metre elevated 1/4 wave aerial
Receiver used: Tecsun S-2000 (Grundig Satellit 750) // External Antenna: 13-metre elevated 1/4 wave aerial
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Rotana Radio Jordan FM (Amman)
Rotana Radio Jordan FM in Amman was logged on 30 October 2013, using a 128 kps Internet stream. Arabic language advertisements and Arabic pop music was monitored from 12.00 noon to 12.45 pm (Jordanian time) or 10.00 to 10.45 UTC. Excellent audio in MP3 format was observed using a Blackberry 9700 Bold with Tunein Radio application. Their stream may be accessed from Tunein Radio or Rotana Radio Jordan's website.
An audio file from this broadcast may be heard HERE.
Reception report was submitted to their Facebook page and emailed on the same day. Two of three email addresses have delivered permanent failure notices since I posted this station. I would be pleasantly surprised if they QSLed, otherwise I am doubtful a verification, let alone a reply will be forthcoming.
An audio file from this broadcast may be heard HERE.
Reception report was submitted to their Facebook page and emailed on the same day. Two of three email addresses have delivered permanent failure notices since I posted this station. I would be pleasantly surprised if they QSLed, otherwise I am doubtful a verification, let alone a reply will be forthcoming.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Voice of Turkey
Voice of Turkey in Emirler was logged on 29 October 2013. An English language broadcast of news about "Turkish Republic Day", cultural programmes and Turkish pop music was observed from 21.30 to 22.30 UTC. This was followed by a broadcast in Italian. Reception on 9.610 kHz was (SINPO) 55555 - excellent on all accounts.
A reception report was emailed to TRT on the following day. QSL card, coaster and shortwave schedule arrived in the mail on 25 November 2013.
Monday, October 28, 2013
PCJ Radio International (via Trincomalee)
PCJ Radio International, transmitting from Trincomalee, Sri Lanka, aired a special broadcast of Orson Welles classic radio play of H.G. Welles' "War of the Worlds" on 27 October 2013. Reception on 11.835 kHz from Trincomalee, between 13.30 to 14.30 UTC, was very good, like many of the previous transmissions from this site. Reception between 13.30 to 14.00 was (SINPO) 55445 -- excellent signal strength and good audio clarity despite slight transmitter hum and flutter. This disturbance settled after 14.00 UTC, improving reception to a solid 55555.
To provide an idea of reception in South East Asia of this classic Halloween radio play a snippet of the PCJ Radio transmission may be heard HERE.
Reception report was emailed on 28 October 2013 to PCJ Media/Radio International. This special QSL commemorating the broadcast of H.G. Well's "War of the Worlds" was received by email on 31 October 2013. Love the card -- Martian invasion of Trincomalee. Trick or treat?!
Radio New Zealand International
Radio New Zealand International in Rangitaiki was logged 23 October 2013. English language broadcast of local and regional news, programme promos, weather and sports, and "Jazz Time" feature on vocalese jazz was observed from 09.50 to 10.30 UTC. Reception at 09.50 UTC on 9.700 kHz was (SINPO) 35443 -- fair signal strength, good audio clarity with discernible speech, despite minor fading. At 11.00 UTC reception was 45544 -- good strength and audio clarity with minor fading.
Reception report was posted on 25 October and emailed as well as submitted online on 28 October 2013 to RNZI. An eQSL was received on 30 October 2013. QSL card arrived in the mail on 13 November 2013.
Reception report was posted on 25 October and emailed as well as submitted online on 28 October 2013 to RNZI. An eQSL was received on 30 October 2013. QSL card arrived in the mail on 13 November 2013.
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Radio Gaucha (Porto Alegre, Brazil)
Radio Gaucha (presumed), transmitting from Porto Alegre, Brazil, was logged on 20 October 2013. A Portuguese language broadcast of news and sports was observed from 22.35 to 22.57 UTC. Reception on 11.915 kHz was (SINPO) 23332 -- weak signal, marred in QRM from adjacent stations, yet audible in LSB mode. Signal was very weak and nearly in audible at at 22.57 UTC.
Reception report was emailed and submitted on their Facebook page the follow day.
Reception report was emailed and submitted on their Facebook page the follow day.
WEWN / EWTN (via Vandiver, USA)
WEWN (EWTN), transmitting from Vandiver, Alabama, USA, was logged on 21 October 2013. A Spanish language broadcast with Catholic Mass in Latin and religious music was observed from 23.05 to 00.00 UTC. Reception on 12.050 kHz was (SINPO) 24432 -- Weak signal, but clear, audible and discernible speech. Signal gradually weakened after 23.45 UTC and was in audible at times.
Reception report was emailed to WEWN on the same day. A computer generated message confirmed email had been received. QSL card arrived in the mail on 15 August 2014.
Reception report was emailed to WEWN on the same day. A computer generated message confirmed email had been received. QSL card arrived in the mail on 15 August 2014.
Voice of Vietnam (via Moosbrunn)
Voice of Vietnam, transmitting from Moosbrunn, Austria, was logged on 20 October 2013. A French language broadcast of news events and music was monitored from 18.40 to 19.00 UTC (broadcast time 18.30 to 19.00 UTC). Reception on 9.625 kHz was (SINPO) 34443 -- fair signal strength and good clarity, despite minor interference.
Reception report was emailed to Voice of Vietnam French section the following day. QSL card was promised a few days later.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Radio Habana Cuba
Radio Habana Cuba via Habana was logged on 20 October 2013. A Spanish language broadcast was monitored from 00.00 to 01.00 UTC. Reception on 11.840 kHz was (SINPO) 34443 -- fair signal strength and excellent clarity with slight interference. By 00.30 UTC signal gradually weakened, but was still faintly audible until 01.00 UTC.
A reception report was emailed. QSL card arrived in the mail on 24 January 2014. A second QSL for the same broadcast arrive in the mail on 2 April 2014.

Voice of Vietnam (via Hanoi)
Voice of Vietnam, transmitting from Hanoi, was received on 19 October 2013. An English language broadcast of news, events in Vietnam and traditional Vietnamese music was observed from 23.30 to 23.57 UTC. Reception on 9.840 kHz was (SINPO) 54555 - excellent signal strength and clarity despite minor QRM from a station under or near VoV's frequency.
Reception report was emailed. Acknowledgement was received by email on 21 October 2013. QSL card was promised a few days later. On 12 November QSL card, along with a post card, programme schedule and calling card, arrive in the mail. Another letter from VoV also arrive, but without QSL card, presumably for Moosbrunn relay.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Deutsche Welle (via Kranji)
Deutsche Welle, transmitting from Kranji, Singapore, was logged on 17 October 2013. An Urdu language broadcast of news features was noted from 14.30 to 15.00 UTC. Reception on 15.595 kHz was (SINPO) 35443 -- fair signal strength with excellent clarity.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Vatican Radio (via Talata-Volondry, Madagascar and Santa Maria di Galeria)
Vatican Radio, transmitting from Talata-Volondry, Madagascar and Santa Maria di Galeria, was logged on 16 October 2013. A broadcast in Amharic was observed from 16.29 to 16.44 UTC; Tigrinya from 16.45 to 16.58 UTC; and French from 16.59 to 17.15 (17.30) UTC. Reception from Talata-Volondry on 13.765 kHz at 16.29 UTC was (SINPO) 23431 -- weak signal strength, together with station splatter from CRI. At 16.50 UTC reception improved slightly to 23432 with a stronger audio and discernible speech. Reception was much better at 17.00 UTC when transmitter switched to Santa Maria di Galeria -- SINPO was 34443.
Reception report was emailed to Vatican Radio the following day. A QSL card was promised a few days later. QSL card arrived in the mail on 1 November 2013.
Radio Ergo (via Dhabbaya)
![]() |
Self-made eQSL based on email confirmation |
Reception report was emailed to Radio Ergo. After a follow-up email on 2 May 2014, I received an email confirmation.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Voice of Russia (Yerevan)
Voice of Russia, transmitting from Yerevan, Armenia, was logged on 14 October 2013. An English language broadcast was monitored from 22.30 to 23.00 UTC. Reception on 9.465 kHz at 22.30 UTC was (SINPO) 33343 -- fair signal and good audio clarity, despite station splatter and slight fading. At 22.58 UTC increased QRM from China Radio International drowned signal, degrading reception to 12331.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Radio Aparecida (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
Radio Aparecida, transmitting from Aparecida / Sao Paulo, Brazil, was logged on 1 October 2013. A Portuguese language talk format was observed from 22.35 to 23.00 UTC. Reception on 9.630 kHz at 22.35 UTC was (SINPO) 23432 -- weak signal with QRM splatter from adjacent stations otherwise audible when signal faded in. Carrier present after 22.55 UTC as grey-line path gradually disappeared. Up until 23.00 UTC carrier present with occasional audio of a male announcer detected, and this despite strong interference from CNR in China.
A sound file of this transmission (marred in QRM) may be heard HERE. Reception improved during the month of November, especially after 20.30 UTC. A sample of their transmission on 18 November may be downloaded HERE.
A reception report was emailed the following day. A reception report was also posted a few weeks later.
Radio Sadaye Zindagi (Yerevan Gavar)
Radio Sadaye Zindagi, transmitting from Yerevan - Gavar, Armenia, was logged on 1 October 2013. Dari and Pashto language broadcasts with Christian-themed music and programmes were observed from 15.00 to 16.00 UTC. Reception (SINPO) on 11.755 kHz was initially 44444 -- good signal strength despite transmitter hum and intermittent fading. By 15.45 UTC reception worsened to 44333 -- audio present but very noisy.
A sample of this transmission may be heard HERE.
Reception report was emailed on the same day.
NBC Radio Madang (PNG)
NBC Radio Madang, transmitting from Papua New Guinea, was logged on 30 September 2013. Tok Pisin news and ID was observed from 11.05 to 11.30 UTC. Reception on 3.260 kHz was (SINPO) 24221 -- weak but audible signal despite noise and fading.
A sample of this transmission on 30 September may be heard HERE. Another sample recorded on 5 October may be heard HERE.
Reception report was emailed the following day.
Random Log in Malaysia
- Guangzhou Coast Radio Station in Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, PRC. // 11.00-11.05 UTC coastal weather in Chinese from YL // 17.398 KHz (USB) // 45554
- All India Radio in Delhi // 11.50 UTC onward music in Tamil // 17.510 kHz // 44554
- Radio Cairo via Abu Zaabal // 11.55 UTC onward with music // 17.830 kHz // 24322 weak with fading and noise
- Radio Farda via Iranawila // 12.00 UTC onward with news and music in Persian // 17.880 kHz // 24332
- Radio Free Sarawak // 12.00 UTC onward in Iban and Bahasa Malaysia // 15.420 kHz // 55555
- FEBA via Dhabbaya // 12.00 UTC with music in Tibetan hosted by YL // 15.215 kHz // 45444l
- Radio Azadi via Kuwait // 12.10 UTC onward in Pashto // 15.090 kHz //34443
- NBC Radio Madang in Papua New Guinea // 11.05 to 11.30 UTC mostly talking // 3.260 kHz // Reception (SINPO) 24221 -- weak but audible signal despite noise and fading
- KCBS Pyongyang // 11.25 UTC onward With music // 3.220 kHz // Reception (SINPO) 24221 -- carrier present with music under, noisy and fading.
- Trans World Radio Africa via Manzini, Swaziland // 18.20 UTC onward with religious talk in English // 30 September 2013 // 3.200 kHz // Reception (SINPO) 24322 - weak and audible signal with fading
1 OCTOBER 2013
- Radio Marti via Greenville, North Carolina // 22.30 UTC in Spanish with news // 9.565 kHz // 34443 -- good signal strength, clear and discernible speech
- Radio Australia via Dhabbaya // 22.40 UTC in English on Pacific region news // 9.610 kHz // 35443
- Radio Aparecida in Aparecida Sao Paulo, Brazil // 22.40 UTC onward talking in Portuguese from a male announcer // 9.630 kHz // 23432 -- weak signal with QRM splatter from adjacent stations otherwise audible when signal faded in. Carrier present after 22.55 UTC as grey-line path disappeared. Up until 23.00 UTC carrier present with occasional audio of news read by male announcer detected despite strong interference from CNR in China
- AIR Panaji // 23.00 UTC onward with news in English // 9.705 kHz // 34443
- Radio France International via Paochung, Taiwan //23.15 UTC in Chinese // 9.955 kHz // 34343
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