Galei Zahal (Israel Defence Forces Radio) in Zahal, Israel was monitored in Malaysia on 11 April 2011 from 14.00 to 15.15 UTC on 15.850 kHz. The video below was made at 16.30 UTC on 27 April 2011, to date the best reception of Galei Zahal in my location.
Signal (SINPO) at 14.00 UTC was 15111. Transmission was detected, but extremely weak with a lot of QRN and at times undiscerned speech; at 15.00 signal was much clearer, but still very weak at 25111.
Signal (SINPO) at 14.00 UTC was 15111. Transmission was detected, but extremely weak with a lot of QRN and at times undiscerned speech; at 15.00 signal was much clearer, but still very weak at 25111.
Programming was in Hebrew and consisted of a talk/commentary format with occasional interviews or on-location coverage, hosted by female and male announcers. A station announcement or advertisement was heard just before 15.00 UTC, then news followed on the hour.

Video recorded on 27 April 2011 (using a Tecsun S-2000/Grundig Satellit 750)
Reception report for QSL card was sent by email and mail shortly after 11 April 2011. Galei Zahal issued QSL on 2 May 2011. Lost somewhere on the postal seas, it arrived in the mail on 21 November 2011.
Galei Zahal
Israel Defence Forces
Military Post Office 1005
Zahal, Israel
Israel Defence Forces
Military Post Office 1005
Zahal, Israel
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