Radiodiffusion Nationale Tchadienne in N'djamena, Chad was logged on 13 January 2013. A French language broadcast of news and commentary was monitored from 19.25 to 20.05 UTC on 6.165 kHz. Reception (SINPO) was 23332 - weak but audible signal, clearly heard at times, despite QRM from an adjacent station. Reception improved slightly after 20.00 when the interfering station signed-off.
You many click HERE to listen to a brief excerpt from this broadcast as received in South East Asia.
A reception report with self-prepared eQSL and transcribed in French was emailed and posted to Radiodiffusion Nationale Tchadienne. I know a number of listeners have received a reply and / or confirmation from the Technical Director at Radiodiffusion Nationale Tchadienne. I was unsuccessful in a previous attempt to secure a QSL, either by email or post. Hopefully this time, fortune will favour me.
On 28 January 2013, I received this email from D. NGana Esaie, Le Directeur Technique RNT / ONRTV / N'Djamena, Tchad: "Mr Breyel bonjour, Merci pour votre rapport d'écoute. Ce n'est pas une négligence à répondre à votre attente. je vais imprimer votre proposition de la carte QSL pour signature et cachetet vous l'enverrai dans les tous prochains jours. Soyez rassuré." God willing, in a few days he will indeed stamp and sign my self-prepared eQSL.
On 28 January 2013, I received this email from D. NGana Esaie, Le Directeur Technique RNT / ONRTV / N'Djamena, Tchad: "Mr Breyel bonjour, Merci pour votre rapport d'écoute. Ce n'est pas une négligence à répondre à votre attente. je vais imprimer votre proposition de la carte QSL pour signature et cachetet vous l'enverrai dans les tous prochains jours. Soyez rassuré." God willing, in a few days he will indeed stamp and sign my self-prepared eQSL.
Hello Timm. Years ago I regularly follow your blog. It has very useful information! I see entry 2013 ONRT Did he replied with QSL card D.Ngana Esaie sealed? I remember sending several letters to this gentleman with some dollar. I never answered. I await your response. Greetings from Spain.