Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Radio Taiwan International German Test Transmissions (via Tamshui)

Radio Taiwan International, transmitting from Tamshui, was heard on 6 July 2024. This was a special test transmission for upcoming German broadcasts later this month, direct from Taiwan. RTI has offered these broadcasts annually for primarily German speaking listeners in Europe. Three test transmissions between 17.00 till 17.55 UTC were logged on the shortwave frequencies of 11.995 kHz, 9.545 kHz and 7.250 kHz, here in the vicinity of Kuala Lumpur. 

Reception on 11.995 kHz (17.00-17.10 UTC) rate a SINPO of 55444 -- strong signal, clear audio, despite some atmospheric noise HERE is an excerpt from that transmission. 

Reception on 9.545 kHz (17.30-17.40 UTC rated a SINPO of 55444 -- strong signal, clear audio, despite some atmospheric noise. HERE is an excerpt from that transmission. 

Reception on 7.250 kHz (17.45-17.55 UTC) rated a SINPO of 55555, which of the three frequencies sounded the best due to decreased atmospheric noise.  HERE is an excerpt from this transmission. 

So, while the target area was not intended for Southeast Asia, RTI via Tamshui was amazingly good. I would imagine reception was better in Europe and possibly even eastern North America.

Reception reports were submitted to RTI German section on 7 July 2024. QSL cards arrived in the mail on 18 September 2024..

Email: deutsch@rti.org.tw

RX: Alinco DX-R8T EXT ANT: Passive loop and 1/4 wave QTH: Central West Malaysia 

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