Radio Sawa / BBG via Cap Greco, Cyprus was received on the medium-wave frequency of 990 kHz, rating a SINPO of
24432 -- weak to fair signal strength, occasionally clear and
discernible content whenever signal peaked (every two to three minutes).
An Arabic language broadcast featuring news reports / discussion was
heard on 13 October 2017, from 17.25 till 17.45 UTC.
This was a pretty impressive radio catch considering the distance between Cape Greco to Kuala Lumpur is approximately 7,773 km. But then, the transmitter is reportedly rated at 600 to 800 kW. The actual intended target area was the Middle East.
This was a pretty impressive radio catch considering the distance between Cape Greco to Kuala Lumpur is approximately 7,773 km. But then, the transmitter is reportedly rated at 600 to 800 kW. The actual intended target area was the Middle East.

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