NHK-JOIK in Sapporo |
Bangladesh Betar was observed on the medium-wave frequency of 693 kHz. Commentary and doa in Bangla was observed at 21.40 UTC. SINPO rated 45554.
Radio Republik Indonesia Pelambang (PRO-1) in South Sumatra Province was logged at 18.00 UTC with Quran recitation up until 19.00 UTC, then a listener phone-in programme followed in Bahasa Indonesia. It should be note the station appears to have been reactivated and broadcast hours extended round-the-clock. Reception on 1287 kHz rated a SINPO of 55545 -- fair to excellent signal when not fading before 18.30 UTC. After that audio was over-modulated and slightly distorted. I mention this only because last year this appeared to be an ongoing problem with RRI Palembang, not Java Radio Station in Semarang.
HERE's an excerpt from a Quran recitation.
Radio Republik Indonesia Bandung (Pro-4) in West Java Province was logged at 21.33 UTC during the azan for Fajr. I highlight this fact as the time of an azan can help to identify a predominantly Muslim town/region. Also, the broadcast time is earlier than usual, owing to the month of Ramadan. Reception on 540 kHz rated a SINPO of 34543.
in Hokkaido was logged on the medium-wave
frequency of 567 kHz. Western
pop music, news and weather and Western classical music was observed
from 17.20 till 18.30 UTC. A SINPO of 23332 was observed -- poor to fair
signal strength when not fading (every few minutes), occasionally clear
audio despite fading and static bursts from local thunderstorm. One
additional note, the frequency opens up after 17.00 UTC, once
Thailand/Laos stations have signed off. AIR Dibrugarh is an obstacle too until 17.35 UTC. And occasionally KBS-1 and
RTHK-3 (Hong Kong) have been heard mixing at various times with JOIK.
RTM WaiFM was logged from 21.10 till 21.45 UTC with the azan for Fajr, several nasheeds and Malay pop songs. During this period, reception on 11.665 kHz rated an excellent SINPO of 54555. This is understandable given I live slightly over 30km from the transmitter site. But I hasten to add, at certain hours of the day WaiFM on this frequency is buried in atmospheric noise or interference from other short-wave broadcasters.
programming in English at 18.35 UTC featured an interview of a Japanese
recording artist based in Taiwan, followed by an interview of actress
Barbara Leigh-Hunt discussing Alfred Hitchcock and his film "Frenzy",
then station ID and news in Arabic at 19.00 UTC. Reception on 1413 kHz
was exceptionally strong with SINPO of 45444. Transmitter is reported to be 800 kWs, so it may be possible to log the station not only in the Middle East, South Asia and South East Asia, but possibly Eastern Europe.
HERE's a BBC ID at 18.00 UTC.
NHK World Radio Japan was logged from 14.00 till 14.30 UTC, on the short-wave frequency of 11.705 kHz with SINPO of 44444 -- good signal and audio, slight co-frequency interference when signal faded under. Around 14.29 UTC, some station splatter observed from Vatican Radio on 11.700 kHz. This English broadcast featured news about Japan and the programme "Welcome to Amazing Japan" that profiled the Ainu people of Hokkaido.
DZXL - AM [Radio Mindanao Network - "RMN News Manila"], transmitting from Taliptip, Bulacan Province, was logged after 17.00 UTC with the programme "Soundtrip", which featured nearly uninterrupted 50s and 60s pop tunes. IDs occured approximately every15 minutes. Reception on 558 kHz rated 35443 -- an exceptionally strong presence was observed well after 18.00 UTC.
RX: Degen DE-1102 / Sangean ATS-909 / Tecsun S-2000 ANT: Ferrite rod / Long wire / 1/4 wave RX LOC: near Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia