Voice of Islamic Republic of Iran (IRIB), transmitting from Zahedan, was logged on 12 July 2012. An Arabic language programme on Islamic topics and music was monitored from 18.18 to 19.19 UTC. Transmission was on 12.080 kHz. Reception (SINPO) was 45333 -- good signal strength, but atmospheric noise significantly degraded quality reception, otherwise speech was audible and clear.
IRIB, transmitting from Dehgolan, Kordestan Province, was suspected to be broadcasting Taraweh prayers and Islamic programming on 945 kHz (MW). A reception report was submitted for times monitored after 17.15 UTC on 20 July 2012. Reception at 17.15 UTC was 33433 -- fading every 10 minutes with interference from a Thai station. At 18.00 UTC onward reception improved to 35433 -- fading persisted, even when the Thai station had signed off at 18.00 UTC. On further listening from 20 July to 20 August 2012 -- during the month of Ramadan -- the station was heard as early as 10.00 UTC and well after 21.00 UTC.
I now suspect the actual station was quite likely Thor. Phor. Song -- Kong Thap Phaak Thii Song (2nd Army Area), Aphai Road, Tambon Nai Muang, Muang District, KALASIN 46000 Thailand.. The language spoken was not Thai, but perhaps a dialect used by the Pattaya Thai or Cham Malay/Khmer who are Muslims. The following SOUND FILE was recorded in late July. This excerpt is one of the Islamic topics broadcast everyday during Ramadan, following recital of the Quran from the imams in Mecca.
IRIB, transmitting from Dehgolan, Kordestan Province, was suspected to be broadcasting Taraweh prayers and Islamic programming on 945 kHz (MW). A reception report was submitted for times monitored after 17.15 UTC on 20 July 2012. Reception at 17.15 UTC was 33433 -- fading every 10 minutes with interference from a Thai station. At 18.00 UTC onward reception improved to 35433 -- fading persisted, even when the Thai station had signed off at 18.00 UTC. On further listening from 20 July to 20 August 2012 -- during the month of Ramadan -- the station was heard as early as 10.00 UTC and well after 21.00 UTC.
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