Saturday, March 1, 2025

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Termination of NHK WORLD-JAPAN Verification Cards (QSL Cards)

NHK WORLD-JAPAN has been issuing Verification Cards (confirmation cards) to people who have notified us of listening to our broadcasts.

Please be advised that we have decided to stop issuing the Verification Cards. The cards will be sent for confirmations on broadcasts up to March 20, 2025.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support.

You can continue to submit your comments and requests to English language services through Contact Us on our website.

Your feedback will be used to improve our broadcasts and services.

It's regrettable, but not surprising.

I can still remember my first verification from Radio Japan, way back in 1968. It was one the first along with Deutsche Welle, Radio Nederland, BBC, Radio RSA and so many more.

NHK World Radio Japan was always a prompt and excellent verifier. I wish they would continue, but it is understandable. Hopefully they will continue their shortwave service, as I will listen to their programmes. 


Friday, February 21, 2025

Voice of Turkiye

Voice of Turkiye, transmitting from Emirler, was logged on 19 January 2025. A Persian language broadcast was monitored from 16.00 till 16.55 UTC. Reception on 9.490 kHz rated a SINPO of  55555 -- excellent.

Reception report was emailed on the following day. QSL card arrived in the mail on 21 February 2025.

RX: Tecsun S-2000 EXT ANT: 3-meter random wire QTH: Malaysia 

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

RTM WAI FM (via Kajang, Malaysia)

RTM WAI FM, transmitting from Kajang, Malaysia, was logged on 19 February 2025. A selection of Malay pop songs, community announcements and news related to Sarawak was monitored from 03.30 till 04.05 UTC (11.30 till noon, local time) Reception on 11.665 kHz rated a SINPO of 55354 -- strong and clear audio, despite moderate atmospheric noise.

Reception was emailed to RTM shortly afterwards, then in the afternoon, same day, an eQSL was received.

RX: Tecsun S-2000 EXT ANT: 3 meter random wire QTH: Subang Jaya, Malaysia 

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Radio Taiwan International

Radio Taiwan International, presumably transmitting from: Tamshui, was received on 21 January 2025. An English language broadcast of Taiwanese music and letters from listeners was monitored from 16.15 till 17.00 UTC. Reception on 9.405 kHz rated a SINPO of 35333 -- strong signal but severe atmospheric noise. 

Reception report was emailed on the following day. This QSL card arrived in the mail on 18 February 2025.

RX: Tecsun S-2000 EXT ANT: 3 meter random wire QTH: Malaysia 

Monday, February 10, 2025

Radio New Zealand Pacific

Radio New Zealand Pacific, transmitting from Rangitaiki, was logged on 22 January 2025. An interview with New Zealand Country singer Tami Nielson on meeting Willie Nelson at his ranch on his 90th birthday and performing his songs, including "I Never Cared for You", was observed from 09.50 till 10.30 UTC. Reception on 13.755 kHz rated a SINPO of 25332 - weak signal, very noisy, barely discernible content.

Reception report was submitted online shortly after this broadcast on the same day. An eQSL was received on 9 February 2025.

RX: Tecsun S-2000 EXT ANT: 3 meter random wire QTH: Subang Jaya, Malaysia 

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Gaweylon Tibetan Radio (via Dhabbaya)

Gaweylon Tibetan Radio (FEBA), transmitting from Dhabbaya, UAE, was logged on 20 January 2025. Tibetan language programme was monitored from 12.20 till 12.30 UTC. Reception on 15.215.1 kHz rated a SINPO of 23332 -- weak signal but audible with possibly some light jamming which disappeared around 12.25 UTC.

 Reception report was submitted on the same day. An eQSL was received on 30 January 2025.

RX Alinco DX-R8T EXT ANT: 1/4 wave QTH: Malaysia 

Monday, January 20, 2025

Reach Beyond Australia (via Kununurra)

Reach Beyond Australia, transmitting from Kununurra, Western Australia, was logged on 20 January 2025. A Burmese language broadcast, entitled  "Women of Hope", was monitored from 15.00 till 15.30 UTC. Reception on 11.900 kHz rated a SINPO of 45434 - good signal strength and clear content despite moderate atmospheric  noise.

Reception report was submitted on the same day. An eQSL was received on 21 January 2025.

RX: Tecsun S-2000 EXT ANT: 3 meter random wire QTH: Subang Jaya, Malaysia 

China Radio International(via Bamako)

China Radio International, transmitting from Bamako, Mali, was logged on 19 January 2025. An English language broadcast about an American healthcare entrepreneur in China was monitored from 15.00 till 15.40 UTC. Reception on 17.630 kHz rated a SINPO of 55444 -- slight fading with atmospheric noise, otherwise a strong signal and clear audio content. 

Reception report was emailed to CRI shortly after the broadcast on the same day. An eQSL was received on 21 January 2025.

RX: Tecsun S-2000 EXT ANT: 3-meter random wire QTH: Central West Malaysia 

Monday, January 13, 2025

Voice of Turkiye


Voice of Turkiye, transmitting from Emirler, was logged on 9 December 2024.

Reception report was submitted on the following day. QSL card arrived in the mail on 13 January 2015.

RX: Degen DE-1102 EXT ANT: 3 meter random wire QTH: Malaysia

Radio Free Asia


Radio Free Asia, transmitting presumably from Asia, was logged on 3 October 2024. A Burmese language broadcast of current events about the region was monitored from 00.00 till 00.30 UTC. Reception on 15.210 kHz rated a SINPO of 45344; transmission initially was audible with clear content despite atmospheric interference. Later in the transmission, the noise level increased substantially making audio content less listenable.

Reception report was submitted on the same day. QSL card arrived in the mail on 13 January 2015.

RX: Tecsun S-2000 EXT ANT: 3 meter random wire QTH: Malaysia

Thursday, January 9, 2025



dash dot dash dot (-.-.)
dash dash dot dash (--.-)
dash dot dot (-..)
dash dot dot dash (-..-)

I am a traveller of the world 
tuning the longitude and latitude of the radio dials. Be it short-wave, medium wave or long wave.

You are tuned to the overseas service of the BBC. Atlantic relay station.

Amidst the invisible, magical airwaves an island, country, station skips the hiss and crackle of the ionosphere. 

Ici Radio Canada.

I have crossed the seven seas and discovered the sounds of Polynesian singers, sitar ragas,  and verses from the Quran, all without ever leaving my chair.

Assalamu alaikum. Bismillah hirrahman nirrahim.

My wanderlust has taken me across continents to hear Andean pipes, Spanish guitars, Sarawakan sapeh, Congo drums, tolling bells and Alpen horns.

Heir ist die Schweiz.

I have heard the exotic birdsong of the kookaburra, the bell bird, bokmakierie and Italian sparrow under grey-line paths.

This is Radio New Zealand.

I have learned of wars and typhoons, enjoyed dramas and documentaries, heard banana cutting notices and messages to loved ones in faraway Antarctica,  all at my fingertips.

Estás escuchando Radio Habana Cuba, transmitiendo desde Cuba, territorio libre en America.

I have  strung many an antenna wire. Explored the bands. Caught DX party lines, evangelical sermons, even heard pirates spin tune after tune.

This is DX Partyline in Quito.

The adventure of radio never seems to end. It has always been the perfect getaway to any worldwide destination. And, it has cost me nothing.

dot dash dot (.-.)
dot dash (.-)
dash dot dot (-..)
dot dot (..)
dash dash dash (---)

© Breyel, Timm. “DXing". All rights reserved.  No part of this poem may be copied, broadcast, reproduced in print or electronically represented without permission from the author.

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Centenary of Public Broadcast Radio in Australia


AUSTRALIA POST on 17 October  2013 marked a century of public radio broadcasting in Australia with a stamp illustrated by Harry Slaghekke and inspired by a 1940s Max Dupain photoshoot for the AWA Radiola. Postmark for this First Day Cover originated from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

The console radio design was set to the “Music Lovers Hour” on 2BL, now known as ABC Radio Sydney. Initially called 2SB, 2BL made the first official broadcast in Australia on 23 November 1923.

Harry Slaghekke has beautifully illustrated this iconic scene that was a snapshot into many Australian homes during the 1940s. The postwar period around 1949 was an optimistic time, radio was on still its own. Television hadn’t made an impact yet. Everybody got their news, their entertainment, children had programs, teenagers. There were serials, dramas and comedy shows.

On a side note, ABC 2BL Sydney is still operating on 702 kHz (MW/AM). This 50,000 watt station can be received in Central West Malaysia in the early morning hours when the path of night covers New South Wales to Kuala Lumpur. HERE is 2BL as heard in Malaysia, back 2017. Reception is occasionally much better than this recording.

Source: Australia Post

RNEI & Friends Yule Marathon 2024 (via Woofferton)

Radio Northern Europe International  & Friends Yule Marathon 202
, transmitting from via Woofferton, UK, was logged on 25 December 2024. A variety of music was heard from  radio partners -- Moma, Stephen, PopShopRadio, Radio Carpathia -- for this special Yule broadcast which was monitored from 14.00 to 15.35 UTC.  Around 15.25 an MFSK64 signal was transmitted. Reception on the shortwave frequency of 9.740 kHz radted a SINPO of 35443 - clear content, no interference, stable signal . HERE is an excerpt from this broadcast.

Reception report was emailed on the same day. An eQSL was received on 3 January 2025. A paper QSL card, along with a postcard of Romania and stickers from the other stations involved was received on 13 January 2025.

RX: Alinco DX-R8T  EXT ANT: 1/4 wave QTH: Malaysia

Wednesday, January 1, 2025