Thursday, August 30, 2012

All Asia Service of Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation (via Ekala)

All Asia Service of Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation (SLBC), transmitting from Ekala, was heard on 31 August 2012. An English language broadcast of "evergreen" pop tunes and news was observed from 01.40 to 03.03 UTC on the frequency of 15.745 kHz, transmitting from a 35 kW (20 kW nett output) Collins transmitter . Reception (SINPO) throughout the transmission was 35433 -- fair signal strength with moderate  fading, clear and discernible audio.

A sound file of an SLBC announcer named Steve, addressing a listener and about to play a song,  may be heard by clicking HERE.

Reception reported was submitted to SLBC shortly after their broadcast on 31 August 2012.



  1. The English broadcast via shortwave by SLBC All Asia Service was changed to have one frequency 9.770 MHZ, with the transmitter at Trincomalee, from 01 June 2013. However, even that reduced service on shortwave is not being received from 11th June 2013. Is this a temporary setback or is there a different frequency? Perhaps the broadcast timings have changed! There was no announcement when the transmission was being received from 01st to 10th June 2013. May I please request the latest information about this? Thanks!

    1. Hi Srinivasan. This is the answer I received from a spokesperson for SLBC: "All Asia was taken off the air by the Chairman, who was asked to manage finances-self reliant so it was made one channel, in Hindi so that who ever(Religious programmers) can put their programs on it. His thinking is Hindi is the national language, so no more English All Asia Service. It will be one Service in Hindi on 11905 kHz from Trincomalee 0115-0330 to accommodate sponsored pxing and filler time with Hindi film mx. I (SLBC spokesperson) am appealing to restore or even have a trilingual service instead of only Hindi..Hindi-EE-Tamil."
